The changeling known as “Bora” was sent to the Alpha Quadrant many centuries ago, with the mission from the Founders to sow chaos and ferment misrule amongst civilizations and societies there – with the intent to undermine and weaken those institutions politically and militarily in preparation to an eventually invasion and hegemony by the Dominion forces of the Gamma Quadrant.
More recently, they took the form of the duplicitous Orion criminal, D’Taani Varada, until Federation intervention forced them to execute a decapitation operation – removing several key criminal factions – before retreating into anonymity aboard the USS Albion – posing as one of their crewmembers.
But not before blackmailing former XO Samantha Hyland and tricking her to stage a theft of data pertaining to Project Genesis – itself a ruse for Bora to achieve her true mission goal – which was to liberate the dangerous Artificial Intelligence known as “Chimera” and steal it away from the Daystrom Insititute.
Bora’s ultimate endgame is typically oblique, but it’s a sure bet that the Changeling will resurface once more to wreak havoc – when the situation best suits her Machiavellian schemes.