
Profile Overview


Vulcan Female


Character Information

Rank & Address

Captain T'Vae


USS Bethany



July 1 2250



Born in 2250, Captain T’Vae was raised by an extended family of doctors, surgeons and therapists on Vulcan. Sheltered and closely monitored throughout childhood, T’Vae struggled to express herself in her work and education as well as establishing relationships with her young peers. Expected to follow in the footsteps of her parents and their parents before them, T’Vae had been preparing to join the Vulcan Science Academy her whole life. This changed, however, when she visited Earth for the first time at fifteen years-old. She found herself enamoured with that which was non-Vulcan. She rejected what had been planned for her since birth, and enlisted at Starfleet Academy at sixteen.

Known to be far less austere than her fellow logicians, T’Vae quickly earned the respect of many non-Vulcan Cadets at the Academy. Her most notable friendship, to the chagrin of many in the Academy, was shared with esteemed Captain Logan Tomes, a talented engineer with an appetite for what he called ‘friendly insubordination’. By the time T’Vae was assigned to the U.S.S Georgetown, the Vulcan had become a small celebrity among the ‘Class of 2268’ for being the most ‘un-Vulcan Vulcan in the Galaxy’.

T’Vae and Tomes’ lives in the 23rd Century ended following a mysterious traveller’s intervention while fighting the Klingon Empire in late 2268. Whether it be from arbitrary sentimentalism or the Universe’s ever-confusing love for unexpected fate, the two Starfleet Captains continue their service for Federation citizens well into the 25th Century.