Dhalan Nhar - Bravo Fleet

Profile Overview

Dhalan Nhar

Barzan male


Character Information

Rank & Address

Lieutenant Commander


Chief Medical Officer
USS Truckee


Dhalan Nhar


Barzan II


Dhalan Nhar has a singular passion in life: medicine. He spends almost every waking hour in sick bay or in an adjacent lab. If he isn’t busy treating an illness, he’s researching a new cure or treatment for the latest exotic illness he’s read about.

Dhalan is reluctant to partake in any away mission that doesn’t involve a medical emergency. Much to his chagrin, his former XO discovered Dhalan was a crack shot with a phaser, and would constantly bring him on dangerous away missions “just in case someone gets hurt.” Dhalan is indeed gifted with superior hand-eye coordination, but his combat prowess can also be attributed to his extensive knowledge of xeno-anatomy.


Dhalan is a short, squat male of the Barzan race, with the subtle facial ridges his race is known for. Dhalan does not have the telltale breather augment his people usually opt for when they leave their home planet; he appears to breath an oxygen-nitrogen atmosphere like the rest of the crew.


Obsessed with medicine, to a fault. Will drone on about it for hours if asked… will also drone on about it for hours if not asked. Avoids non-medical responsibilities like the plague. Doubtful to ever advance to commander, as he’d have to care about ship’s operations outside the sick bay.


Dhalan developed a unique genetic modification for himself before applying to Starfleet academy. Dhalan extensively documented the procedure, forwarded it to the Federation ahead of his application, and made his case around the argument that it was a genetic medical condition that would prevent him from effectively operating safely outside his home planet. Perhaps due to his full disclosure, Starfleet accepted Dhalan’s application, despite the general ban on genetic augmentation, on the condition he would not pursue that avenue of research any further, and that he would agree to periodic inspections of his labs and research.