
Profile Overview

Alexander Kolokotronis

Human Male

Character Information

Rank & Address

Lieutenant Alexander


Tactical Officer
Starbase Bravo


Alexander Nikolaos Kolokotronis


Kastri, Peloponnese, Greece


Alexander Koloktronis is a Starfleet officer who currently serves aboard Starbase Bravo as the Tactical Officer. Born in Greece, he attended the University of Athens prior to Starfleet, earning two degrees, in Political Science and Military Studies. He attended the Academy immediately afterward, graduating with a specialty in Operations and Weapons Systems. He’s served missions aboard the USS McKinley, USS Indianapolis, and the USS Perseus, serving as operations officer aboard all three ships. He was transferred to the USS Shanghai in 2399 and assigned to the Devron Fleet Yards, and subsequently transferred to Starbase Bravo as a tactical officer.


Family and Early Life

Alexander Kolokotronis was born in Kastri, Greece, to Ioannis and Sofina Kolokotronis, both Earth military officers. The family is well known throughout Greece, the last name known throughout Southern Europe, distant descendants of General Theodoros Kolokotronis. Kastri was a smaller village, so he grew up very localized, learning much of what he knew from his father. His mother died when he was a teenager, so he grew up under the care of his extended family, including his uncle and brother, now both Starfleet officers themselves. When Alexander turned 17, he applied to and studied at the University of Athens, where he got degrees in both Political Science and Military Studies. During his time there, he was a member of the universities’ basketball and soccer team. He applied to Starfleet Academy immediately afterwards and entered as soon as he was accepted.

Starfleet Academy

Alexander excelled at Starfleet Academy, entering in 2388 as a Cadet. He studied both Operations and Aviation at the Academy and is a certified pilot and helmsman as well as Operations Officer. During his time at the Academy, he was on the firing team and played for their European football team. He was injured in a shooting his second year when a mentally-ill cadet shot him in the leg with a firearm after a bout of psychosis. He was discharged for 4 months in order to properly recover and returned to his studies immediately afterwards. He graduated and earned his commission in 2392, with a focus in Operations. He met his wife, Hailey Celine, at the Academy and were engaged after graduation. They married quickly, before his first assignment.

USS McKinley

After Alexander received his commission as an Ensign he was assigned as an Operations Officer aboard the USS McKinley in 2393. During his tenure there he was promoted to Lieutenant Junior Grade and received a commendation from his commanding officer, Captain John M. Vincent. During his posting aboard the McKinley, he gained additional experience as a reserve Flight Control Officer.

USS Indianapolis

Alexander left the McKinley in 2395 and received his next assignment, a joint Operations and Tactical Officer posting aboard the USS Indianapolis, under Captain Ashlyn E. Kamaro. The ship was damaged in separate attacks and therefore spent much of her mission in spacedock.

USS Perseus

After his discharge from the USS Indianapolis, Alexander was assigned to the USS Perseus as her Assistant Chief Operations Officer in 2397. The mission was cut short, however, in a surprise attack from rogue birds-of-prey, in which most of the bridge officers were killed. Alexander took command during the battle after all other ranking officers were killed, and was injured after a console explosion. The ship was lost, but most of the crew saved, and Alexander was promoted to Lieutenant immediately afterwards. He received the Starfleet Decoration for Gallantry for his actions. He served under Captain J’mah Gellau and Commander Robert J. Shaw. His injuries during the battle left him with thick facial scars and off and on bouts of depression, which he still hasn’t fully recovered from. While Alexander was recovering from his injuries, his wife was killed aboard a separate starship, and he has been left a young widower.

USS Shanghai

After the USS Perseus incident, Alexander was medically cleared and assigned to the USS Shanghai as her Chief Operations Officer, under Captain Sun Mei Xiang.

Starbase Bravo

Alexander was assigned to Starbase Bravo in 2401, currently serving in a tactical officer role.

Service Record

Date Position Posting Rank
2389 - 2390 Midshipman Starfleet Academy
Cadet Freshman Grade
2390 - 2391 Midshipman Starfleet Academy
Cadet Sophomore Grade
2391 - 2392 Midshipman Starfleet Academy
Cadet Junior Grade
2392 - 2393 Midshipman Starfleet Academy
Cadet Senior Grade
2393 - 2395 Operations Officer/Flight Control Officer USS McKinley
2395 - 2397 Operations/Tactical Officer USS Indianapolis
Lieutenant Junior Grade
2397 - 2399 Assistant Chief Operations Officer USS Perseus
2399 Chief Operations Officer USS Shanghai
2401 Tactical Officer Starbase Bravo