
Profile Overview

Alcyone Brennan

Human/Rodulan Hybrid female


Character Information

Rank & Address

Lieutenant Commander Brennan


USS Sirona




Doctor Alcyone Brennan




When Alcyone Brennan joined Starfleet Academy, she couldn’t quite figure out whether to become a counsellor or a doctor – and therefore decided to become a medical officer with a specialisation in psychiatry. After a few initial difficulties such as failing the first attempt on her final exams, she gained a reputation of being a reliable and caring member of the crew, and was eventually offered additional training and responsibilities. After a few years of dedication to her medical career, she was offered a position aboard the USS Callisto, where she now serves as First Officer.


Alcyone is quite concerned with her appearance, though it isn’t out of vanity. Her main concern appears to be looking as unassumingly human as possible.

As a clear sign of Alcyone’s half Rodulan heritage, her eyes naturally are pitch black without discernible irises. Having however learned early on that this oftentimes isn’t reacted well to, Alcyone usually wears contacts with a mesmerising shade of green. In contrast to the rigid standards often associated with Starfleet officers, Alcyone’s figure is softly curved, and gives the impression the she only does as much exercise as is absolutely necessary, and dislikes it intensely.

The makeup she wears is usually in-line with Starfleet guidelines, but only just so. Due to her Rodulan genetics, she has a tendency to appears younger than she actually is – which has more than once gotten her the question if she’s really supposed to wear that many pips.



Alcyone is outgoing and charming, and attempting to make people around her feel at ease. Despite being Fist Officer now, she has learned a lot from her time as medical professional, and shines with a genuine concern for her crew.


Early Years

Alcyone was given up for adoption only hours after she was born, and whichever parent decided on that step made sure that their identity would never been disclosed. But Alcyone was lucky – she was adopted into a loving and wealthy, if somewhat strict and traditional, family on Colludia.

Her best friend throughout Academy was Eshrevi Sh’shiqil, an Andorian woman a good few years older than her. The two remained by each other’s side during their first postings, but temporarily parted ways when Eshrevi transferred to the USS Valkyrie, where Alcyone joined her a few months, and only for a few months more before she received the opportunity to transfer to the USS Callisto as their new First Officer.

Mission: Journeys End with Lovers Meeting

Alcyone joins Captain Ceix, Sydin and Keller on Liraxa IV, where the Callisto is sent to help resolve an ancient conflict between the two dominant tribes, grounded in the fact that the two telepathic factions are not able to communicate between each other.
Together with several Liraxan scholar’s, they discover an artefact that has once created a telepathic field that allowed communication, but the artefact gets destroyed before it can be restored. Brennan’s Rodulan telepathy turns to be able to bridge the gap between the species, and the scholars are eager to use it as baseline for creating a new field. The Liraxan leaders however reject this solution and no longer want Starfleet to interfere with internal affairs.

Service Record

Date Position Posting Rank
Cadet (Medical) Starfleet Academy
Intern (Medical) USS Narendra
Medical Officer - Psychiatry USS Narendra
Assistant Chief Medical Officer USS Rahuba
Lieutenant Junior Grade
Chief Medical Officer USS Rahuba
Chief Medical Officer Valkyrie
Lieutenant Commander
Transfer Course - Bridge Staff Starbase Bravo
Lieutenant Commander
Executive Officer USS Callisto
Lieutenant Commander