Part of Bravo Fleet: Sundered Wings

SS Viridian Expanse: Night Moves

The Viridian Expanse gets pulled into a situaion of divided loyalties and dangerous decisions.

Mission Description

The Viridian Expanse gets pulled into a situaion of divided loyalties and dangerous decisions.

About the Mission

Total Stories
Start Date

2 June 2022

#1 - Opening Gambit

SS Viridian Expanse: Night Moves

Viridian Expanse, Bridge For the past few hours, Keren had been watching and reading reports about the chaos on Rator and the reaction of the Remans on Psi Velorum. To say he was growing concerned would be an understatement.  He always knew instability like this was a possibility and, in a [...]

22 May 2022

Setting the Board

SS Viridian Expanse: Night Moves

Viridian Expanse – Docked at Rator III Cargo Transfer station  Keren was going through his traditional early evening routine, hastily eating with one hand while organizing a manifest in the other hand. In his line of work, it was difficult to take time for a leisurely meal. So many [...]