Part of Starbase Bravo: Artefacts of the Frontier

A Routine Checkup

Infirmary, Starbase Bravo
November 2401
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Linha Varen had been so busy with her classes and spending hours studying for an upcoming exam when her computer beeped, letting her know her shift in the infirmary was about to begin. She had a few scheduled physicals on her schedule that were fellow cadets. Shutting off the PADDs she had sprawled on her desk, she got up and went to the infirmary. After she left her shared quarters, she made her way to where the infirmary was located and walked in, reporting to her superior before going to where she needed to be and waiting on her first patient.

“Sorry I’m late, Sir,” Aaron puffed as he hurried through the door to the Promenade Security office. “I got lost again, but only a little bit this time.”

“You’re right on time,” she replied to him with a smirk, “no admiral’s meetings this time?”

“Haha, no, not this time, but now I know where engineering is.”

“You call that a little lost?” she said, letting out a small laugh. “Well, you don’t have an assignment today. You have a physical.” She spoke more formally this time, slipping out of her role as his friend and into her role as his superior. “Please report to medical. This is a good thing, you know. You’re getting close to graduating, and this can help you get a better posting than this place.”

“Maybe I’ll get less lost on a ship. They’ve only got a few decks,” he joked as he turned around and headed for medical. The promenade was the most daunting part of the Starbase, in Aaron’s opinion. It was large and noisy, with a lot of people milling about, making it harder to keep track of destinations. After a few failed attempts, he made his way to medical. “I was told to report here for my physical evaluation” Aaron said as he sat down in a waiting area chair.

A few minutes later, another cadet walked out of the infirmary, escorted by a quite lovely Trill, and she motioned for him to follow her inside.

“Please follow me,” Linha replied with a soft smile. I promise this will not hurt one bit,” she said with a small chuckle, trying to keep the mood light and airy. Are you new here?” she asked out of curiosity, as she hadn’t seen him here before, but she had also seen a lot of officers and cadets.

He got up and followed her into the infirmary. “I hope not,” he said, returning his smile. “Although I’m no stranger to the hospital. I’ve had a few sports-related injuries treated before.” He paused for a moment as they went through the door.  “Yeah, I’ve only been here for a few weeks, and I’m lost more often than found here. The place is so big, I can’t bear my bearings.” At this point, they had reached the bed, and he reflexively hopped up onto it. ” How about you? How long have you been here?”

“About a few months,” Linha replied as she had him sit on the biobed and took out her scanner to begin his physical. “You will eventually get used to where things are. This place is huge,” she commented.

“Well, hopefully, I’ll get a commission after I graduate, and then I’ll be able to travel on a starship,” Aaron said. I can’t wait to get out into space. I’ve only got a few weeks left.”

“That’s good, and an early congratulations,” she replied with a smile, as she still had some time left with the Academy and everything else required to become a fully-fledged doctor. “Anything new since your last physical that you like to share?” She asked her next question as she finished her scan before walking over to the computer close by to review.

“Not that I can think of,” he said thoughtfully. I thought I had Andorian Shingles a couple of months ago; it turns out I was just tired.” He laughed as he sat up on the edge of the biobed. Well, what’s the word, Doc? Am I going to make it?”

“Everything checks out,” she replied with a smile. “If you don’t have anything else to report, I think we are good,” she added, looking at him.

Aaron hopped down off the biobed and straightened his uniform. “Nothing further to report on that front.” he said, “but if you ever get bored, you can always give me a call. I’m usually up for hanging out, or getting lost somewhere on the ship. It’s always an adventure!” He smiled back, and then turned to leave. As he headed back to security, his smile never faded, and he did hope they would meet again.