Part of Deep Space 2: The 62nd Rule and Bravo Fleet: The Devil to Pay

Chapter II

Deep Space 2, Cargo Terminal
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Viran stepped through the threshold of the bustling cargo terminal as civilians and Starfleet personnel alike were sorting cargo to its destination. He stood near the entrance scanning the room as transporter pads glowed, security officers stood around holding PADDs with manifests, and business owners stood around waiting to find out where their incoming cargo would be available for pickup. Viran noticed a Ferengi standing around, arms crossed, as if inquisitive surveying each transporter pad as cargo materialized. He recognized the face immediately as Kalva, owner of Kalva Enterprises, which included several shops and restaurants on Deep Space 2.

Approaching the Ferengi who was looking down at a PADD, the Starfleet Admiral cleared his throat to grab his attention.

And again.

Finally, Viran reached over and turned the PADD off.

“Hey, who do you think you are?!” Kalva screeched.

“Admiral Viran, Commander of Deep Space 2,” the Andorian introduced himself.

Kalva’s entire demeanor instantly changed as he straightened his posture, “Our new station commander, eh? I’m Kalva, owner of Kalva Enterprises. I’m one of the business leaders here on the station.” 

As the Ferengi extended his hand, Viran accepted, “It’s good to meet you Kalva. Your Starfleet Intelligence file doesn’t do you justice. I wouldn’t have imagined you’d be down here yourself checking your incoming inventory.” 

Kalva withdrew his hand and smirked, “Starfleet Intelligence? Little me? I am but a humble businessman trying to make a living, far from Ferenginar. Surely Starfleet Intelligence has more things to worry about than me.” 

The chess game had started. Viran knew mentioning the file would put Kalva on notice. Kalva knew that Viran was onto him. The pieces were moving across the board without much having to be said.

“I know,” Viran leaned in, “And I will be looking forward to you assisting with the leadership of this station. I expect all civilian leaders will be helping me as I turn the page to the next chapter of Deep Space 2.” 

“Of course, of course, Admiral. Anything I can do to help,” the Ferengi quipped back unassumingly. 

“It was great to meet you Mr. Kalva, but if you’ll excuse me I need to get to Operations and check-in. We have specialists coming from Starfleet Security tomorrow morning to inspect the station and help tamper down on criminal activities,” Viran turned and exited the cargo terminal, making his way back to the turbolift.

[Deep Space 2, Station Commander’s Office]

“… not to question your methods, Admiral, but it sounds like you told him everything he’d need to know?” Commander Feld questioned with a deflated tone.

“I told him everything he needed to know,” Viran said as he lounged further back in the chair behind his new desk, his comm badge laid out on the desk between them. “Kalva is a creature of habit, but he’s also a coward. He’ll try and move his most dangerous cargo off the station temporarily as soon as he can.”

“We will have to be ready for him,” Commander Feld added.

“Perhaps, but for now what is the status of the ships in the area?”

“We have two ships docked here at the station for resupply. All other Starfleet vessels are out patrolling the border,” the first officer replied.

After a pause, the Andorian asked, “And the ships here, they’re old buckets, yeah?” 

“One Freedom-class starship and one Centaur-class starship,” the sound of defeat was palatable in his voice. Deep Space 2 had so many older starships patrolling the border between it and Starbase 611 that it was almost embarrassing to mention the ships.

“Perfect. Tell their captains to be ready to undock and engage with hostile ships attempting to escape the station. Could be an hour from now, could be days,” the Admiral ordered.

“You really are expecting him to run with his loot?” Commander Feld responded with obvious surprise. 

Viran turned in his chair to the giant window on the side of his office. Watching as ships passed by and small work bees flew around, he cleared his throat. “As I said, Commander, I expect he’ll try to move his most dangerous cargo. We will also need anyone who is experienced in handling Borg technology until we can get it back in the right hands.”

We should have some specialists. I’ll get a few together,” Feld responded. “Is there anything else you need from me, Admiral?”

“No, Commander. Thank you for all of your help so far. For now, we wait for Kalva to make his move,” Viran affirmed. Without a word, Commander Feld nodded and turned about, exiting the office. Viran sat back down and leaned back towards the desk, putting his face up to his comm badge, “Did you catch all that, Lieutenant?”

“Loud and clear. We’ll be ready,” a disembodied voice echoed back.


  • The chess game has started indeed, and a solid opening move from the admiral. Viran shows his experience from the get-go, and now we shall wait and see if Kalva plays into his hand or does something unexpected. I appreciate too the feel of isolation this post creates, such as that Admiral Viran doesn't have a bunch of shinies to help him with the mission but rather just a pair of rickety old buckets in a Freedom and a Centaur. Don't leave us hanging here! Keep the posts coming!

    November 11, 2024
  • Brilliantly played Admiral Viran. Shake the tree and wait to see what falls out. Love the little exchange between Viran and Kalva, just telling the Ferengi enough to get him concerned, but not panicking him too much. Can't what to see what comes next.

    November 11, 2024
  • For a moment, I thought I was reading an episode of classic Deep Space 9 - the entire exchange between Viran and Kalva gives me early Sisko/Quark vibes! I always loved their interactions and dynamic and I hope we get to see something similar between Viran and Kalva here, BUT who is this mysterious lieutenant that Viran was speaking to at the end? Is Viran running his own rogue operation here to achieve his goal or is there something more shady happening? Are we going to see this mysterious lieutenant follow Kalva and find a bigger loot of Borg tech? Or something else shady but helpful in protecting the border that DS2 sits on? We need more, so please do not leave us hanging!!

    November 16, 2024