Part of USS Healdsburg: Shadows of Umbra Mission

Meeting with the XO

Captains Ready Room
December 21st 2401 - 2 Hours After Meeting With Ambassador Snow
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Olivia just finished reading the intel reports she had asked for, Nothing new. What the heck, This just made my job a little bit harder, Not gotta fill in the Commander.


=/\=Grace to Townsend, Ready Room as soon as possible=/\= Olivia stood and went to grab some coffee from the Replicator. She was deciding if she wanted to bring a real coffee maker and put it in her ready room to allow some real coffee to be served during meetings.  She had just started to pour when her XO arrived. Always fast and quick when asked. “Come”


Kate Townsend, her XO walked in. Now if you were to compare the two, They were the complete opposite, Now beauty, there was no difference. Kate could have done a Few Beauty pageants before starfleet just like Olivia, but Kate was brought up differently then Olivia.


“Captain, I assume we have new intel?” Kate asked, taking a seat on the sofa near the viewport.


Olivia put some cream in her coffee and walked over and sat on the seat. “I reviewed old and current reports, there’s nothing new”


Kate looked a bit surprised. “Really? After what the Ambassador said? Why do I feel like we are being set up here?”


Kate felt it too. Olivia also had this feeling, the feeling that something was not right about this mission, And that the Ambassador might not be an ambassador at all but Section 31 agent posing as one and going to the Romulans, and they were possibly giving free passged to them.


“I know, We got two choices, investigate it, and come up as idiots in front of command, Or leave it be and do it without anyone knowing and take any issues we get and take them to Intelligence and let them deal with it” Olivia suggested.


Kate thought through this. “We could, But won’t we then possibly be asked to Intel Informants?”


“No, Unless Command wants to pull my rank and ship then they would ask, but otherwise no” Olivia took a long sip of coffee and set it back down on the table and handed a PADD over to the commander to read. “Here’s everything I noticed odd in our Ambassadors Bio and records, most of it is Classified for reasons unknown to me, I might be able to pull some strings at Command, but other than that, that’s all we got.”


Kate took the PADD and quickly began to skim through it. “It’s Odd for a vulcan-human hybrid similar to Spock to not go through some Vulcan schooling as he had. And some of her birth records are incomplete, I know this might be off, But what if she’s a vulcan-romulan hybrid? She don’t show signs of having any romulan traits, but it’s a possibility”


Olivia didn’t want to think about it, but she now had to, If her XO was having a thought somewhat similar to hers, it usually meant’ there was something wrong. “I will look into it, For now” Olivia stood. “Make sure our Ambassador is well equipped with what she needs and that everything is ready for tomorrow, I need to get in touch and pull those strings I mentioned”


Kate nodded. “It will be done”  Kate stood and walked to the door. “And, Have fun with those strings Captain” Kate called out as she left the door shutting behind her.


Olivia turned to her computer and pulled it up and clicked on the Vice Admiral James Sarcrow, an old friend she knew back in the Academy.


They quickly appeared on the screen. “Captain Smith, Pleasure hearing from you, Are you in need of a favor?” He asked with a smile.


Olivia turned her head. “How did you know? What if this was a welfare check?” Olivia asked, smirking a bit.


“I know you Captain, If somethings too hidden for you to find, You ask for help, only when it’s the last option, and it seems you have hit that, so…What’s the favor gonna be?” He asked.


“You know Ambassador Snow?” Olivia asked.


His eyes showed he did, but his response was different. “No, but I have heard of her”


“Me and My XO have reason to believe she’s working for Section 31, and we would like to have full access to her records, and not just the ones seen, I wanted full background info the day she was born all the way to this date” Olivia told him.


“Olivia, are you alone? And did you encrypt this channel?” James asked, throwing Olivia off.


Olivia nodded. “Yes as per protocol, I also added a few layers extra.” James nodded.


“Good, now Listen very carefully, Ambassador Snow is a Double Agent, we Intelligence caught her two months ago, She defected back to us, her mission that Intelligence sent her on is to find out what the Romulans Secret Project is about, It’s Called Project Umbra”


Olivia paused. “Project Umbra? Never heard of it”


“Me neither but haven’t you noticed lately we are getting reports of kidnappings of Star fleet officers and civilians from the outer borders with the Empire?”


Olivia had heard about that, but dismissed it when she asked a question about it and told not to worry about it.


“Yes, and it seems to have picked up,” Olivia  replied.

“We think the Romulans have been conducting some kind of genetically enhanced officers, Intelligence is worried they might be sent to infiltrate Command and the Federation, which is not something we want since Frontier day only happened months ago”


“Agreed, What do I need to do?” Olivia asked.


“Make sure the Ambassador gets where she needs to be, and leave highly trained covert security team, whether lead by you or your XO behind to help her get the hell out of dodge if the crap hits the fan, Intel suggest it will but only after she gets what she was sent to get”


“May I ask what she was sent to get?” Olivia asked.


With a firm head shake. “No, I have to go, I will send the info over shortly, Talk Later Captain, Sarcrow out” And with that he was gone. Olivia stood, thoughts racing about the meeting.  This was gonna be a fun little mission.


  • The dynamic between Olivia and Kate is engaging, and the unfolding mystery around Ambassador Snow adds intrigue. The dialogue feels natural and effectively moves the story forward, while the touch of humor with Sarcrow balances the tension nicely. Overall, it sets the stage for, in your own words, a "fun little mission"! Well done!

    December 18, 2024