Part of USS Canterbury: Not all those who wander are lost…

Saved by the Bell?

USS Canterbury
Jan 2402
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“Captain Mason, please be advised that Commander Andrews has arrived on the Canterbury. Please report to shuttlebay two.”

Saved by the bell.

Mason grunted at the notification from the Canterbury’s bridge officer and completely ignored RJ’s question. He wasn’t in the mood to explain the complicated situation with Vixara Bennett to someone who hadn’t lived through the same war they had. To someone who didn’t know Raal…

“Thank you,” he replied to the notification. “We’re on our way now.”

They’d been informed of the change in XO during the meeting with Captain Thorne and while the loss of Zale was a bit of a blow—although, he couldn’t blame the woman, he had blatantly ignored all her suggestions since she’d been aboard—he couldn’t help but be relieved that Andrews was on his way back. He’d served as Mason’s XO for a few years before his extended personal leave, and Andrews knew the way he worked. He wouldn’t have to explain to the guy why he did what he did all the time.

“We?” RJ challenged with a raise of his eyebrow.

“We,” he said firmly, meeting RJ’s challenge with one of his own. “Unless you want to head on back to the Resolute on your own?”

Given what had happened, he’d half expected Thorne to remove RJ from the Resolute, but she hadn’t. But he was still on an odd no-man’s land, not quite command crew, but too qualified to be an XO. To be Mason’s XO.

Even an hour ago, Mason would have said that was qualified on paper and command knew that RJ was a wildcard who couldn’t be trusted. Who needed the guiding hand of a more experienced commander. Now? After that little display in the briefing room? He wasn’t so sure.

“Nope.” RJ struggled, that playboy smile settling over his face again. “I’m quite happy to tag along. Especially after everything I’ve heard about Andrews. Is it true he’s the only one to ever beat Kovash at arm wrestling?”

Mason narrowed his eyes. What game was RJ playing?

“Yes.” The lift pinged their arrival and the door swept open. He swept an arm out, letting RJ exit before him. “But only because he kissed her and she hit him instead.”

RJ grinned over his shoulder. “A man after my own heart.”

Mason grunted, nodding at an ensign who had plastered herself against the side of the corridor, looking up at him in surprise. Seriously, the Canterbury had a Bennett aboard… he wasn’t that unusual a size.

It was a short walk to the shuttlebay, where a shuttle was just on it’s approach in. Standing to the side of the door out of the way, Mason folded his arms over his broad chest.

“I’m onto you, you know,” he rumbled, deliberately not looking at RJ. “You’re not going to get away with hiding now.”