Part of USS Valkyrie: Shore Leave December 2401

Party Preparations

Sickbay, USS Valkyrie
December 2401
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“All right folks, thank you very much,” Selara clapped her hands and smiled. “I don’t have any plans to mess with the duty roster for now.” She addressed the impromptu Sickbay staff meeting. “Dr. Carmichael is in charge while I’m out.” She focused on Carmichael, “If you’re able to swing it, feel free to run a skeleton crew with the EMH. I’m sure some people want to attend the party.” She shrugged, “And if they don’t, that’s okay too.” Selara smiled, “Okay everyone, back to work!” The group dispersed and went back to their previous duties. She signed out of Sickbay and headed towards her quarters.

Freshly showered, Selara combed through her closet. “Too formal… not formal enough…” she slid selections aside as she hummed. “Ah yes! It’s perfect.” She took the dress off the hanger. “I hope it still fits.” Selara pulled the dress on and stared at herself in the mirror. “Like a glove,” she smiled. It was a knee-length sheath dress, emerald green in color, with a sweetheart neckline.

Truth be told, she wouldn’t look all that out of place in a Dixon Hill holonovel. “Why, Mr. Hill… I don’t have the foggiest idea where the Ruby Heart could be,” Selara pleaded to her reflection, hands over her heart.

“I know betta than to trust a dame like you,” Selara took on an old-timey gangster voice. She sneered at her reflection with one eye closed.

“But I do know where this is,” She formed a finger gun and pointed it at the reflection. “Pow,” she said softly, pulling the trigger. “And I did murder my husband!” She added with extra flair.

Selara covered her mouth and giggled. She walked back into the bathroom to style her hair.

Selara did a full turn in the mirror, admiring her handiwork. She added a small pearl necklace with matching earrings to the ensemble. She checked her hair, which was a Gibson Tuck, making sure it held. “Knock ’em dead, Scarlett ol’ girl!” Selara pointed at her reflection, referring to her Dixon Hill moniker Scarlett Mazzetti. She laughed as she left her quarters, her heels clicking on the deck plating.


  • I'm an absolute sucker for a good "Dix - Hill" impression!! Nice work !

    February 4, 2025
  • Thanks! I enjoy writing Selara more than I thought I would. Maybe we'll see more Dixon Hill posts from her in the future?

    February 9, 2025