Part of USS Healdsburg: Shadows of Umbra Mission

Dersch Has Doudts

After Breifing
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After the briefing concluded, Lt. Commander Dersch and Commander Townsend made their way together to the shuttle bay, the air thick with tension as they reviewed the mission parameters.

“I have a really bad feeling about this mission,” Dersch remarked aloud, his expression troubled as they walked down the corridor.

Kate Townsend turned her gaze towards him, curiosity mingling with concern. “What do you mean, Commander?” she inquired, sensing the gravity in his tone.

Dersch continued, his voice heavy with frustration, “It feels like we’re becoming scapegoats for Starfleet Intelligence. If this mission goes awry, we’ll be the ones facing the music when it all blows up!” His anger was palpable, evident in the tightness of his jaw.

Townsend nodded, her brow furrowing as she processed his words. “I understand your concerns, but we have to follow orders. If the captain agrees to this mission, she must have faith in its success,” she asserted, her conviction evident. She, too, believed it was an operation that could succeed, but the weight of uncertainty loomed large.

Dersch sighed deeply, shaking his head. “I still don’t like it.” Just then, they turned a corner and encountered Roslin, their Chief Diplomatic Officer, who had evidently just arrived, breathless from her rush to catch up.

“Hello, Commanders! I just finished reviewing the new brief sent by Command,” she said, her voice slightly strained from the exertion of hurrying to them.

Townsend’s expression shifted from curiosity to concern. “What new brief?” she asked, promptly pulling out her PADD, her fingers moving quickly over the screen.

“It was sent only a few minutes ago,” Roslin replied, also retrieving her own PADD with a focused look.

Townsend checked her device once more and frowned. “I didn’t receive one.”

“Neither did I,” Dersch nodded, his tone filled with confusion.

“What was it about?” Kate pressed, her interest piqued.

“Um, how about I just send it to both of you?” Roslin suggested hastily, tapping her screen to forward the information, and promptly headed off to attend to other duties.

As the PADD buzzed to life in his hand, Dersch couldn’t shake the feeling of unease. “I feel like she might be hiding something,” he shared, glancing at Townsend with a worried expression.

“Yeah, but you should definitely take a look at this,” Townsend encouraged, handing her PADD over to Dersch.

As the lift doors opened with a soft hiss, they stepped inside, and Dersch immediately began to scroll through the brief, a sense of dread building within him as Townsend confirmed their destination.

“Shuttle Bay,” she instructed the computer crisply.

Dersch’s eyes widened as he read further. “You’ve got to be kidding me! Snow is being charged with treason! What happens to our mission now?” he blurted out, incredulous.

“Read further down,” Townsend urged, her tone serious. “Command isn’t taking any immediate action; they are letting everything slide until our mission is completed. Whatever the original intent of this operation was, it’s crucial. I doubt this went to the captain if it was only sent to Roslin. We need to bolster security preparations. Get your Deputy Chief briefed—just enough to make him aware of the increased security protocols. If the captain inquires, direct her to me.”

Dersch nodded, taken aback by the intensity of her directives. He had never heard her speak with such authority and urgency before, but he trusted her judgment. “Yes, ma’am. I’ll take care of it right away.”