Part of Starbase Bravo: Q3 2400

Catching Up

Sonja's Quarters
October, 2400
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Sonja had been trying to decide what to do with the day, as she still had another day off. She could smell the freshly brewed coffee her roommate had brewed before heading to their shift. She got out of bed and got dressed in some comfy clothes before shuffling into the living room area and poured a cup of coffee. The aroma was a sweet sensation as she took a sip she heard the door chime. She rubbed her head knowing she looked like quite a sight, She shuffled over to the door and opened it finding Elegy outside. Her eyes got wide and she kinda stammered “Good…good morning.” She didn’t know what else to say and stood there awkwardly waiting to see what he would say.

“Good morning, Sonja,” Elegy replied with a bit more gusto than Sonja.  In his crisp black and teal Starfleet uniform, Elegy Weld was stood in the corridor with his head freshly shaved and his collar adorned with his new lieutenant pips.  His green eyes slowly widened in concern at Sonja.  He said, “I had planned to invite you for breakfast….  I thought I send you a message yesterday… but maybe I only thought about sending it.  …Oh no.”

Sonja rubbed her head for a moment trying to remember a message. She was pretty on the ball with appointments and she didn’t remember such a message from her friend. “Elegy first off I noticed you got Lieutenant congratulations. Second, if you can give me about 10 minutes I would love to have breakfast. Please come in and sit down while I get ready.”

She stood to the side motioning Elegy into the quarters as she turned and smiled “Guess there is no other way to see someone than fresh outta bed.” She joked.

Beaming with gratitude, Elegy followed Sonja into her quarters.  With each step, Elegy replied, “Thank you.  Thank you so much.”  He began to circle the furniture in the living area and then he chose the seat that would most comfortably keep him looking away from the ‘fresher and the sleeping compartment.  “It is always instructional to see what someone wears to bed, the way their hair changes, the priority order of their preparations in the morning…” Elegy remarked, once he was sitting.  Sheepishly, he admitted, “I think I wrote a behavioural studies paper on that as a sophomore…”

Sonja listened closely as she went back to her sleeping area to change. She quickly switched into some comfy clothes and chuckled at Elegy “Of course you did.” She chimed from the room. She fixed her hair so she actually looked presentable before heading out to the living quarters “Ta Da.” She said with a giggle before plopping down on the seat adjacent to Elegy “Apologies for not being ready, but I don’t recall a message from you. Regardless where do you want to go for lunch?”

Tilting his head to the side, Elegy admitted, “I’ve been working through the menu at Binomial.  It’s that Trill restaurant.  Have you tried their food before?”

Sonja shook her head “I have not tried this restaurant, but I have had Trill food and it’s absolutely delicious. I’d be ok with that though I definitely will be getting some breakfast.”

“I’m sure they can accommodate breakfast,” Elegy replied with a satisfied nod.  He swept a hand towards the doorway to ask, “Shall we head out?”

Sonja gave a nod and motioned Elegy out of the quarters so she could lock it behind him. As they began to walk she smiled at him. He had a glow about him one she had not seen before. She cocked her head trying to figure out what it could be before asking him. “Elegy you look much happier than the last time I saw you, almost like you have a glow. What is going on that I don’t know about?”

Walking apace with Sonja, Elegy replied, “I took a bit of shore leave and I suppose I’ve been sleeping better… to the detriment of my love life.”  His babble sounded like a delaying tactic, before he admitted, “And I’ve been promoted. Full lieutenant comes with strings.  I’ve been named the starbase’s deputy director of psychiatry.”

Sonja grinned “Well, I knew you would do it! I told you from the beginning you were full of what was needed to succeed. I told you that drive would take you far. I am still working my way up, but rest assured I am not giving up.” She said as the fire in her eyes burned with determination.

Elegy offered a bashful smile back at Sonja.  He swept a hand through the air, literally waving off a couple of her compliments.  “I got lucky, at least in part,” Elegy said.  “The counseling department was understaffed when the we took in all those Romulan refugees a few months back.  I had minored in hospital administration at Starfleet Medical; I managed to operationalise some new research into how to maximize counseling sessions without impacting the patient care.  I’m by no means the best psychiatrist, but I know my way around empowering a department.”

Sonja shook her head “You know I don’t believe that. You did the job and obviously it was seen to be above the actions of others. I have been working on a new community outreach program that was tasked to me. It has taken the majority of my time trying to get a plan written up for the Commander, but I think I got it. I am trying to show I am capable of more. Sometimes it is why I work such long hours.” She said looking at Elegy. “You know that as for yourself your way too humble.”

“I appreciate that a lot, Sonja; thank you,” Elegy said, his lips curling into a bashful smile.  The doors to the turbolift opened and Elegy stepped aboard, requesting that it take them to the promenade.  “Who would have thought we’d be here now after we first met on that runabout, rescuing Tellarites in a storm?”

Sonja smirked “They say its a big world, but sometimes in these cases it feels like a small one. It is crazy to see where we started. I can say I wouldn’t change it for anything though.”

Looking to Sonja, Elegy asked, “Tell me more about the community outreach program you’ve been developing?  I don’t think I’m familiar with that one.”

Sonja’s eyes twinkled “I have been tasked with getting a better relationship with the station civilians and security so we can help mitigate issues quicker, but also show the people we’re here to help in more capacities than they think.” She smiled showing an actual interest in the information she shared.

“Oh, now that’s an exciting program,” Elegy said with no small enthusiasm.  “An important one too they’ve entrusted in your capable hands.  What do you think our civilian population would be most surprised to learn about our security department aboard Starbase Bravo?”

Sonja thought for a moment “I think they will be surprised to know how helpful we truly are if they just reach out to us, especially when they are in need.” She said showing excitement for the new intiative.

“What would you say,” Elegy asked, “is their greatest need?  A life on a federation starbase is more comfortable than many.”  Raising his eyebrows at Sonja, he waved a hand at the storefront for Binomial as they strode within view of the restaurant.

Sonja thought for a moment “I truly believe that the thing that is needed most is a relationship with Starfleet that is trusting and open especially when they are having any issues. It may seem like a small need, but I believe it is one of the biggest.”

“That sounds very astute to me,” Elegy replied, as he meandered through Binomial and sat himself in an empty booth.  “Building trust within the community you operate can only support all of your initiatives.  That can be challenging at the best of times and our Starbase Bravo civilians have been through a lot this year, between natural disasters and inter-galactic political upheaval.”

Sonja nodded “I think building trust is paramount especially in our situation as we have to show them what we can do and how we are here to help.”

“But for tonight,” Elegy said mirthfully, “the only trust you’re going to need is: are you gonna you choose the best meal on the menu?”

Sonja smirked “I guess you will have to wait and see.”