Part of USS Mariner: M1: Into The Gamma Quadrant and Bravo Fleet: The Lost Fleet

30) The Weight of a Rank

Starbase 86
March 2401
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The starbase was busy with people doing their daily jobs. Thought they were more energetic than normal as the Dominion war, battle, or conflict, whatever tag you would give it, was coming to a close. This event had cost Starfleet, more specifically the 4th Fleet, many lives that were the price for freedom and liberation. A team of two security officers were escorting a woman to the Task Force Commanding Officer in chains. They entered the office and stopped at the desk “Captain Barrington, you have requested Commander Kobahl to be present at your office” a security guard announced. 

Behind them was a woman without a Starfleet combadge, her uniform still ripped in some places or dirty after the last sacrifice she had to make to complete the mission. Her fourth pip was removed, and she looked down with her cuffed hands lowered. 

Barrington’s eyes widened as he took in the scene in front of him. “Oh, for heaven's sake, have you dragged the poor woman straight here?”

He stood, rounding his desk and gestured impatiently. “Get her out of these chains. Now.”

The security guards looked at each other as one looked back “But Captain she is to stay in detain as she has broken various regulations. This is a command from Starfleet JAG” He was surprised at the reaction from the Captain, yet Sazra didn't react. 

His expression was hard as he looked back at them. “Then Starfleet JAG can just come and call me to account for it. I’ll take personal responsibility for Captain Kobahl. Now release her, then you may wait outside.”

Willing to stand their ground, they choose not to and shrugged turning to Sazra and removing the cuffs from her hands and leaving the room. Sazra rubbed her writs slightly as she finally looked up to the Captain. “Commander Kobahl, reporting sir” She stayed formal, but even fatigue was hitting her hard. 

“Sit,” he ordered, gesturing toward the chair in front of his desk. It looked like they’d dragged the poor woman from her ship and right into chains. “Have they given you anything to eat or drink?”

Taking a seat where the Captain had offered as she took a deep breath “I arrived at Starbase 86, Starfleet JAG was waiting for us. We were publically arrested. Commander Ruslanovna and Valerio for obstructing the code of conduct and giving falsified information to Opaka Outpost” Sazra didn't answer his question about food or drink. 

“And you?” He asked, crossing to the replicator and ordering water and a mug of soup. It was light and easy, something that would keep her on her feet until she could eat properly. He put them down in front of her and resumed his seat behind the desk. “Tell me what happened.”

Placing the food and water in front of her made her wonder why he would obstruct the rules now. She then noticed she was staring at the water and sighed as she grabbed it and drank from it. “I am tired. The trip from Gamma Quadrant to here has been…quite eventful” Sazra felt guilty that she didn't even give the time to take care of the death that perished at the suicidal mission. “How much do you know Captain?” She was straightforward about it. 

“So I hear,” he said, watching her. He was a little surprised by the direct question, but then again, not. Kobahl was obviously exhausted, had already been through the wringer and had finally been dragged in front of him. To say her day was not going well would be an understatement.

“I know you and the Mariner were issued a priority mission during the recent conflict which took you into the Gamma Quadrant,” he replied. “And in the pursuit of that mission objective you had to be somewhat… economical with the truth, shall we say?”

Leaning back, he carried on. “I have already read Admiral Reyes combat report that lists you as having flown the Mariner directly into a Dominion battlegroup at Ciatar Nebula. And that, for your actions, Starfleet JAG decided to relieve you of your fourth pip and your command. Do you have anything to add that I missed?”

A brief but painful summary of her events. Sazra swallowed a bit of her pride in that and nodded “To be more exact we were sent to Dominion borders to convince them to help us with the …conflict in Deneb” Sazra refined the information further. “We succeeded in getting a Dominion representative on our ship, and we traveled back” She took another sip of her drink. “Then I had to deal with a mutiny that was based on false information and I lost my Chief Security Officer because of it” 

She placed the glass. “For Fleet Admiral Reyes rapport, yes I charged into the Dominion battle group because I had no choice. There was sabotage in my communication system, and I trusted my Chief Engineer Commander Valerio to fix that. He just needed time. We charged into the battle group, and I lost much of my people to this forsaken conflict. I am glad that USS Valhalla, USS Andromeda, and USS Serenity were there or the mission might have failed.” She leans a bit back “We manage to deliver the Dominion representatives and the Dominion ships….just left us behind” 

He frowned. “Left you behind?”

Giving a nod “Left us behind the moment the Dominion representatives beamed to their ship” Sazra took another sip of the water “I have not had the chance to see if it bares fruit. But did the activity of Dominion get less?” Sazra was more busy with her ship and crew then checking the news. 

He nodded. “Reports indicate that yes, Dominion activity has markedly decreased,” he said then leaned forward, hands loosely clasped in front of him.

“Commander, I’m sure you’re aware of the very serious nature of the charges against you. You not only completely disregarded protocol regarding reporting a mutiny on board your ship, you also brought the Mariner back… well, from the reports I’m surprised you actually got the ship back. I’d like to shake your Chief Engineers hand on that one. Have you anything to say?”

Looking at him “That I have a talented Chief Engineer who did this twice now” Sazra referred to the poor condition she brought Damascus back from the Delta Quadrant. She sighed and looked at her torn uniform. “But be honest with me Captain, what would you have done if the galaxy's weight was on your shoulders? The solution to potentially end it in your hands and yet you have to hold onto bureaucratic rules of a Starfleet Command that still denies the Dominion invasion” Sazra shrugged. “As I said to my command team, screw the rank. There are millions of lives depending on our mission's outcome” She knew the risks from the beginning, and she accepted the fate. 

“What would I have done?” Barrington considered the question for a moment, then his serious expression eased a little. “Said screw the rules and do what needed to be done. And believe me, your ship is by far not in the worst state they’ve been coming back in.”

He lifted his chin. “Fourth Fleet command disagrees with the action taken against you and your team. I apologize that it has taken so long to get you out, but with the chaos after such an event, getting orders through has taken some time.” And a minor miracle, he added to himself.

“Commander Kobahl, with the authority vested in me from Fourth Fleet Command, I hereby reinstate you to the rank of Captain, and to the command of the USS Mariner. You and your command crew are exonerated of all charges. Although,” he added with a small smile. “I will leave you in charge of recovering your crew from the brig, should you wish to do that personally. If not, I can issue the order.”

Was it for real? Did her ears not deceive her? Sazra couldn't believe what was happening and slowly nodded letting it sink in. “The…mutineers have been handed over to security upon arrival. At least the main team, some were granted second chances by myself as they are new and convinced on bias information” She had a hard time with the news for some reason as she looked at the Captain “I can give the death a proper salutation?” 

“Of course,” he inclined his head. “Please let me know the time and place so I can pay my respects.” It would be one of many such ceremonies he had attended and would attend. “Is there anything else you need or would like to ask?”

Thinking for a second as she stood up and stretch a bit and shook her head “No Captain, I do thank you for everything you have done and the fourth has done” 

“Don’t thank me just yet, Captain,” he replied, also standing. “Because your reinstatement comes with some conditions. Once you have honoured your fallen and your ship is repaired, you and the Mariner are returning to the Delta Quadrant on a deep exploration assignment.”

Sazra felt a sudden crawl up her spine when he said that and flashes of her mind being invaded returned to her. She sat back down and took a deep breath. “Why….would they want to send me back there? Did they forget to read the BDO after-action report? We barely survived that conflict, and I think it has not quite improved the situation?” She shrugged. Who was she to complain about something that could save her career “Delta Quadrant is not meant for a scientist like myself…”

“I’m afraid those were the orders that were passed down,” he replied, frowning at the change in her demeanour and the flash of… something in her eyes. “And they go way above my head. Is there a problem, Captain?”

For a moment she paused trying to muster the fear that had crawled into her “Blood Dilithium…for some reason they sent the USS Damascus to the epic center of activities. Very dense and strong. However, we faced the Imperium there that were using a cargo ship as bait to test their limits.” Sazra rubbed the side of her template “ They had a Blood Crystalline Entity under their control…during the mission, I was exposed to the Blood Dilithium powers and ….lets put it this way, it was not a pleasant experience” 

Barrington paused. He remembered reading through reports from recent events in the taskforce before he’d taken command, but he hadn’t made the connection until she’d mentioned it.

“The Blood Dilithium situation has been dealt with,” he reassured her. “And the Imperium have retreated well into their territory. I’m sure you will have no issues during your mission.”

The situation might have, but her pain didn’t. Sazra took a few breaths and nodded to herself “You are right Captain, I shall do what is required as I did before”

He studied her for a few more seconds, then nodded. “Then I shall wish you well, and let you head out to deal with your crew.”

Rounding the desk, he offered his hand. “It’s been a pleasure to meet you, Captain. And I look forward to your reports on your mission.”

Giving a solid nod to him “Thank you for everything. I shall return to the Mariner to give those that have fallen a proper send-off. I will inform you of their departure” Sazra spoke and with that, she left the office now as a free woman, but for some reason, she felt the weight of the chains still around her hands. She passed the security team that only could watch her leave. 

“Starfleet these days is more messed up than we are realizing,” One said shaking his head. “Letting people go after they broke the rules. What worth has our rules if no one abides by them” He pushed himself off the desk. “Mark my words. People like here will get us to a certain grave for sure. So stay away from that ship, the Mariner"