Part of USS Mariner: M1: Into The Gamma Quadrant and Bravo Fleet: The Lost Fleet

31) The Call

USS Mariner - Various locations
March 2401
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Ready Room

The ready room looked like a mess, the last mission took a lot out of them, and they succeeded in delivering the representatives. Leaning on her knees on the ground, she grabbed some broken picture frames and looked at them. Sazra saw the Jaxartes bridge crew in the picture as she wiped off the broken glass that fell onto the floor. Letting out a deep sigh as her eye locked onto Rami smiling face. “Where did I go wrong? When did I fail to notice your problems…” She spoke to herself, and for a brief moment, it was quiet when the chime went off. Broken out of her focus, she placed the picture on the table. “Come in” she said, not looking at the open door.

“What are you doing Sazra” The familiar voice came from Silina came from the door direction.

“Cleaning up the mess that we left behind” Sazra felt her line had a double meaning. Was it the mess she left behind in this room or the ship in total? Looking at her side to Silina and Adrián, that had followed her in “Status report”

“Well…” Adrián looked around the room and shrugged. “We got our rank and position back thanks to 4th fleet intervention.” His eyes looked at his Captain and saw she was waiting for something else. “Right right…mmm the ship. The leak at the warp engine is sealed, and we can warp again. Some deck hull breaches are closed, but I advise keeping deck 8 in the back sealed for now. The damage there was somewhat more severe that took time to repair” 

He walks into the room trying to watch out where he stepped. “Shields systems are back to 75%, and weapons are also back to full operational standards, so Miki will be happy about that” Adrián sat on the edge of the couch and looked at them both. “If everything goes as planned, we shall be operational and good to go within a week or two” 

“Personnel wise we still are about 52 people down taking into account the mutineer’s departure, the deceased, and critical wounded” Silina resumed leaning against the wall near the door. “Starfleet personnel and logistics state that we can get new people within a week or so. But It’s still very unsure seeing the state of the 4th fleet is more severe than expected” 

Taking a deep breath “It is a miracle that I am cleaning up the mess I left behind. If 4th didn’t intervene ….I would be in a brig or something” Sazra stood up from her kneeling position and dusted her pants off even though her uniform was still a mess. “Alright enough complaining, we got work to do…I have a few funerals scheduled” She said with a slight shrug and looked at Silina. “Could you focus on….”

Bridge to Captain Kobahl” the voice of Asipa came over the communication.

“What is wrong Ensign?” Sazra had tapped her comm badge to give a response still looking at Silina. 

We have received a call to arms message from the 4th fleet” 

The silence dropped in the room as Sazra’s eyes went from Silina to Adrián who both were caught at attention when mentioning a call to arms. “Location” She replied. 

Fairpoint the message states. Dominion Fleet is on an intercept course to Fairpoint Captain. Your orders?” 

Adrián already shook his head to Sazra and whisper “We are not combat ready Sazra…” He knew her longer than today and could see where her mind was wandering. “We need the additional time to fix our ship….if we go into combat I can’t guarantee the safety of it” 

Narrowing her eyes “We need to respond. They need every single ship” Sazra whispered back and shrugged looking away and taking a deep breath. “Ensign get Lieutenant K’Nala to the helm and prepare for emergency undocking protocol. Recall all personnel to Mariner now. Commander Ruslanovna and I will join you soon at the bridge. Kobahl out” 

“Are you crazy?!” Adrián stated with his hands in the air out of frustration the moment the communication cut off.

Sazra moved past Adrián and stopped at the door as it opened. “Our comrades require us right now. Serenity, Andromeda, and Valhalla came to our aid. Who are we to deny the call to arms? Is the ship in your professional opinion worthy in a battle?” Sazra looked at Adrián. 

“You know what I just said?” Adrián replied 

“Is it worthy for battle Commander?” Sazra became more direct and strict. 

He crossed his arms and thought for a second “If we keep deck 8 sealed on the back, and focus on defensive duties then there should not be any problem” Adrián looked at a happy Captain. “But get me Drata to help me fix what needs to be fixed. I can’t pull miracles out of my ass constantly” Adrián walked past her out of the room to start the impossible task given to him.

Sazra didn’t look after he left. “Silina get it arranged. Get the personnel ready for launch” She saw her nod as they both left the Ready Room. 


Walking onto the bridge, Sazra could see already the bridge crew there and ready “Sitrep” Sazra asked walking to her chair to sit down. 

“Starbase Operations approve the undocking protocol, the plot is set, and we are ready to move to Fairpoint at the maximum warrrp factorrr of 7.9. But Commander Valerio stated he could get me morrre while traveling” K’Nala replied letting her paws slide over the console.

Sazra nodded to that as she heard another voice continue “We got weapon controls operational at 89%, and shields are within an acceptable range. Lieutenant Taritt is focusing on giving me more on that front” Miki stated looking at the data coming in. “I have ordered my men to seal off deck 8 per the request of Commander Valerio” 

“Personnel are almost all onboard the Mariner. We are still missing 10% that have to report in” Silina stated standing at the operation’s console. “Ship-wide systems are between yellow and green operational parameters. We are good to go” 

With a simple tap on her command console, Sazra leans back in her chair. “Doc are you ready down there?” 

“As ready as we can get, I had hoped to have more personnel and supplies. But seeing the urgency of the matter I am battle ready. I have taken some scientific and counsel crew into medical duties” 

“Understood, you got my permission to use whoever you deem fit” With that Sazra tapped again and sat up as she froze hearing another voice. 

“4th fleet call to arms has been stated to all ships and a good portion of ships have responded to it. 4th fleet intelligence has not been able to estimate how much ….we are dealing with” Keeyiro spoke slowing down on the end seeing some bridge officers staring at her. The uncomfortable feeling was eating her up, and she looked back down at the console.

Sazra didn’t look at her. “Thank you, Ensign. Keep your lines and eyes open for anything coming in. Work with Ensign Asipa to deal with the communication planning.” Sazra stood up knowing that accepting her presence was the best choice. But her feelings of being betrayed have not settled. “Asipa ship-wide comm” 

Seeing Asipa nod “This is Captain Kobahl speaking. We have received a call to arms from the 4th fleet. At this moment the Dominion fleet is coming to Fairpoint station. Does it mean our mission was a failure? I honestly don’t know. But what I do know is that our comrades need us right now. I am well aware of the current condition we are in at this moment. I am aware that you are tired. But we have a duty to do and whatever happens Fairpoint shall not fall under Mariner watch! Red Alert and battle stations” The communication went off as the red alert on the bridge went on.

With that, the Mariner started to move out of the docks after the last crew members arrived. Slowly the damaged pathfinder that had already received its scars was heading back to the front. With a slide back into position, the ship gets into position. “Helm, make way!” Sazra ordered as the Mariner jumped into warp to aid the fleet at Fairpoint that will soon go into the history books as the Battle of Fairpoint. 


  • Here we go again lol. Just when you think this crew is going to catch a break.

    June 25, 2023