Part of USS Altai (Archive): M3: The Edge of Yesterday

A Relaxing Drink

Lounge, USS Altai
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Looking up from his PADD, Jaso surveyed the lounge. He smiled as he watched the crewmembers socialize. It was always fun to charge into a hectic situation and fight your way out. But it was also nice to take a breath once and a while. The band was performing a nice, jaunty tune. It was loud enough to be present, but not enough to be bothersome. He took a drink from his glass and turned his attention back to the PADD.

Astrid Vogler entered the lounge wearing snow pants under an oversized winter coat that was opened in the front. A pair of boots with their laces tied together hung over her left shoulder. As ridiculous as it looked with the rest of the outfit she wore a simple pair of black slip-on ballet flats.

Approaching the bar she ordered a drink and turned to survey the room and its occupants.

Jaso looked up and noticed the band had taken a break. He was surprised to discover Vogler was next to him. Jaso eyed her outfit with curiosity. “I didn’t realize it had gotten that cold in here,” he said half-jokingly. A brief pause for internalization. He’d never gotten the hang of humor, maybe something other than a bad joke. “Your outfit reminds me of Jalanda City in the wintertime.” He took a drink, “It’s a beautiful time of year.” 

“Lieutenant,” Astrid said. “Uh no, it hasn’t gotten cold in here.” Feeling suddenly self-conscious she shed the coat and set the boots next to her on the deck. “I was skiing actually.”

“Skiing?” Jaso said, intrigued. “I’ve never been. It looks fascinating, but I’m not sure I’d have the balance for it. I’ve never been good at winter activities I’ve tried. It’s hard to keep your balance when you can’t feel your hands and feet.”

“That’s where proper winter attire comes into play. But, I know that feeling all too well. I nearly died of hypothermia when I was sixteen cross-country skiing.”

“Is that so?” Jaso said with a raised eyebrow. He took a drink before continuing, “It’s hearing stories like that that make me never want to go out in cold weather. But nothing worth doing is easy, I guess.” He shrugged, “We all defy the odds in our own way.” 

She shrugged, “Never underestimate mother nature or my clumsiness.”

“I don’t,” Jaso said plainly. “I tend to-” a beep from his PADD drew him from the conversation. “not tempt forces beyond my understanding.” He said, half distracted by the PADD. “Cooper told me you kept one of the mech spiders. I know it’s largely irrelevant now, but can I take it apart? I’ll give it back when I’m done with it.”

“That was the point,” Astrid said with a smile. “It should be in quarantine storage.”

“Great! I’ll make sure to use the utmost precautions. I don’t want a repeat of what happened on the Romero.” He checked his PADD. “Now, if you’ll excuse me, there’s an art installation on the station I’ve been meaning to see.” He drained his drink and set it on the bar. “But I’ve enjoyed this, hopefully we can do it again sometime.”

“See you around,” she said amusement on her face.