Part of Starbase Bravo: The Homefront and Bravo Fleet: The Lost Fleet

Welcome To Your New Home

Starbase Bravo
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Gazing out the window of the transport that was ferrying him from Earth to Starbase Bravo, Timmotha found himself thinking back to the events that led him here. From his early days as an initiate with the Trill Symbiosis Commission, through to Starfleet Academy and the variety of assignments that followed him wherever he went. This time would be different. It would have to be different.

“Attention, passengers.” the voice of the pilot broke the silence in the cabin. “We are on approach to Starbase Bravo and will be in tractor range shortly.”

The viewport that before showed the emptiness of space, was now filled with the magnificent view of the starbase. Numerous vessels docking and departing. Work bees zipping around the perimeter of the docking ring and training shuttles performing maneuvers under strict supervision. This would be nothing like his experiences on Deep Space 13, but he was quietly looking forward to serving aboard a central asset to the fleet.

Timmotha relaxed as the tractor beam took hold to guide them into the cavernous interior of the docking bay. He was chomping at the bit to get started and show Meathe some of the best experiences he could offer. A mere moments later, the shuttle touched down on its designated pad.

“Attention, passengers, we have now landed safely on Starbase Bravo. In a short while the access bulkhead at the rear of the shuttle will open. Please follow the blue line to the Deck Officer who will provide further instructions.”

As soon as the pilot had finished speaking, the rear of the shuttle opened, granting Timmotha and the handful of other passengers their first look at Starbase Bravo. Hitching his satchel across his body, Timmotha started in the direction of the Deck Officer, eager to check out his new posting and amenities. Starting with his new department of course.

The deck officer looked up as Timmotha approached. “Checking in?”

Timmotha nodded in acknowledgement and retrieved his padd outlining his transfer orders. “Lieutenant Commander Timmotha Meathe, Deputy Director of Communications.”

The deck officer looked over the transfer order and tapped some commands into their own padd. “That appears to be in order. Welcome aboard, Commander. I have transmitted your assigned quarters and office location to your padd. Welcome to Starbase Bravo.”

“Thank you.” Timmotha replied with a smile. “Its an experience to be here.”

Moving past the desk officer into the main part of the station, Timmotha decided to drop his belongings in his quarters before making his way to Station Operations.

Finding his way to the nearest turbolift, he looked over the information provided by the deck officer. Quarters appeared to be located in Sector Bravo-Orange with his main office in Sector Alpha-Red, close but not too close to Station Operations. After what felt like no time at all, the turbolift doors slid open revealing wide corridors interspersed with offices and quarters. Consulting his padd one last time, he scanned the numbers on each door as he passed. 

Finally finding his assigned lodging, Timmotha unlocked the door and got his first look at his new home. Maybe it was the years he had spent away from Trill, or the quick series of reassignments throughout his career to date, TImmotha couldn’t help the smile that grew on his face. This really did feel like home.