Part of USS Columbia: Make Hay While The Sun Shines

Make Hay While The Sun Shines – The Start

USS Columbia (NCC-76991) - en route to Villam Four
Stardate: 78330.03
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“Captain’s log, stardate, seven-eight-three-three-zero point zero three. We are on our way to the Federation colony on Villam Four. Our orders are to assist the Grazerite settlers after recent technical issues with their global weather control system caused damage to their crops. This has created a mass food shortage among its population. We are to help them with repairs to the system and provide food to those who need it. Furthermore, a science station that is being built on the ocean floor requires help to finish off its construction. With the number of tasks we need to do, I hope the change in pace is a welcome distraction for the crew after the Borg uprising during Frontier Day a few weeks ago.”

Captain Romen Corbin walked into the observation lounge, checking to ensure it had been cleaned recently by swiping his index finger along one of the edges. Pleased with what he saw, he approached the top of the table. Corbin was glad that his entire senior staff were present. This meant they could start promptly. After spending most of his morning talking over his orders with Fleet Admiral Duncan and reviewing the latest information on the colony with his first officer, he had yet to see any of the other members of his senior staff.

“Good morning, everyone!” Corbin said in a cheerful tone as he set the PADD in his hand down on the table along with the mug of tea he had in the other. He could sense that most of them were content to be here, while others were eager to know exactly what Starfleet had planned for them. 

A round of short replies followed as the captain of the Columbia got comfortable in his chair. 

“Okay, let’s get started,” Corbin said as he began to brief his senior staff about their next mission. Using the large wall display beside him, Corbin explained how the colony’s power systems had failed, mysteriously wreaking havoc mainly on the weather control systems. This then had an impact on the farming community. The planet’s bad weather, ranging from hurricanes to heavy precipitation and heat waves, had destroyed crops. Things looked awful for a planet that depended on its agriculture industry to sustain it.

“This may sound really stupid, sir,” stated Lieutenant Commander Alkos, “but do they not have food replicators?”

Chuckling at the question, Corbin was used to his chief operations officer asking the obvious. Before he could answer, he heard his Number One’s frustrated thoughts around the Bajoran’s question. She had been an old academy friend, and he knew she would respond just as bluntly as her thoughts were. 

“Oh, come on, Kudege, they’re all Grazerites. Most of what they eat is plant-based,” Commander Elizabeth Nelson stated. Her eyes rolled.

“Liz, Kudege asks a valid question, why don’t they have food replicators?” Doctor Carrillion asked. The Tryan chief medical officer was always the peacemaker in senior staff meetings. “Do they believe in traditional Grazerite ways?”

Corbin nodded. “They do, hence no food replicators. Furthermore, they want to get the issues sorted before the start of the Month of Forage.”

“The Month of Forage?” echoed Lieutenant Niro Seth-Rowal. “What’s that? Please don’t tell me they go into the wild to catch food?” The Deltan chief security and tactical officer looked worried about that last notion. 

Lieutenant Commander Velesa, the Columbia’s chief science officer, answered him. “No, some traditional Grazerite are keen to give thanks and celebrate the food they have collected and are growing.” She looked at Alkos. “Kudege, it is almost like the Bajoran Festival of Gratitude.”

The Bajoran man just nodded in understanding. 

“Great, we get to celebrate digging up potatoes!” Lieutenant Commander Ortega sarcastically said. The chief engineer sat in her chair with her arms crossed against her chest, remaining serious. 

“Oh, well, at least with the bad weather, we know they’ll be mashed potatoes!” Counsellor Merrindis stated with a smirk.

The lousy joke received a few groans aimed at the Risian therapist. 

“Why would the Grazerites only have mashed potatoes to serve at their festive?” Starok asked with a raised eyebrow.

More sniggers went around the room.

“Okay, let’s get back to being professional here, people,” Corbin enforced. “Federation citizens are in danger, and it’s our job to protect and help them. I expect the best from you all. Am I clear?” 

A round of ‘aye captains’ were heard around the table. 

Turning to his first officer, “Number One, will you go through department assignments?”

Nelson nodded as she shared what everyone would be doing once they arrived.

In Play:

  • This is the start of Columbia’s first mission. 
  • If you haven’t already, then meet the Columbia’s command crew/senior staff here
  • After this meeting, your department heads would have assigned tasks to their staff, like Star Trek: Lower Decks, there is limited interaction with them.
  • Below are the department orders:
    • Command: oversee the delivery of the food supplies
    • Operations: oversee the updates to the weather system (this will include upgrades to the colony’s power system) and/or the installation of the new science station
    • Science: provide aid to anyone suffering from malnourishment and/or investigate the bizarre weather patterns
  • The above orders/duties will occur at the start and during the middle of this mission’s storyline. The end will have everyone being able to enjoy the festivities after the work has been completed.  
  • You can use transporters, shuttles or runabouts for each department to complete your assignment. 
  • Perhaps consider how a group of ensigns from different departments can work together to complete the tasks.
  • For Command: 
    • Food supply: more than one away team can deliver food supplies – for example, one group could provide them to the capital city. At the same time, another could visit a smaller settlement in the middle of a rural location. Consider what struggle/issue you may come across. Could the Grazerites be happy to see help arrive, or will they not be happy to receive replicated food? 
  • For Operations:
    • Weather systems: you may want to consider working with others on what section of the weather system you are working on and what part of the power systems need to be checked. 
    • Science station construction: the science station is underwater, so could your character do their work while underwater? Could you liaise with anyone in Cetacean Ops to help?
  • For Science: 
    • Helping those who are malnourished: One team could be helping out in a clinic. At the same time, another may have to set up a field hospital with tents to help a smaller population. 
    • To investigate the weather patterns: this can be done from the Columbia and travelling around the planet. 
  • Other information to be known/read:
    • Grazerites: 
    • Villam Four is an M-class world – similar to Earth on many levels. It has plenty of land that has been used for agricultural purposes. It has one moon. There are limited artificial satellites in orbit and a basic planetary defence network.