Official Lore Office post from Bravo Fleet: Ashes of Deneb

Lending Assistance

Farpoint Station
April 2401
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With the invasion over, the Dominion had surrendered and was back within the Gamma Quadrant, with the renegade Changeling and Borg plot coming to light during Frontier Day now behind them. Officers were still processing what had happened, and younger officers who were affected by the Jupiter Signal were undergoing counseling to help process what they had done. This wasn’t going to stop them from doing what they must to help those who were truly affected by the Lost Fleet invasion and occupation of worlds they had conquered.

Worlds still needed help in repairing what was destroyed during their occupation. The ships from the Fourth Fleet had been summoned to help those worlds rebuild. The Verity would be no different and would be getting into the thick of things just like everyone else. Currently, they were at Farpoint Station taking on supplies that were needed.

Commodore Jori was down in the command and control center that was used as a base of operations when coordinating with other ships within the Task Force. Jori was in one of their meeting rooms that she usually used for meetings as it had a state-of-the-art system to make sharing information easier. She had the Deneb sector pulled up in a holographic image above the table, showing each system that had once been occupied by the Dominion during the war.

“Sir,” came the voice of her yeoman. “Captain Trent has arrived.”

“Thank you, send him in.”

“The yeoman said you wanted to speak with me, ma’am?” Simon asked.

“Thank you for coming,” Jori began as she looked at what she was looking at before he entered. She motioned at the chair on the other side of the table, hinting at him having a seat. “We have much to discuss.”

Simon took the proffered seat and raised an eyebrow. “The Deneb Sector? Has the Lost Fleet returned?” 

She shook her head and looked at him for a moment. She was still getting a feel for him, as he recently was assigned as her executive officer. “As you can see, the highlighted areas are systems within the Deneb sector that were seized by the Dominion,” Jori began, allowing him to look for a brief moment before moving on. “Ships within the Fourth Fleet have been summoned to assist with rebuilding for those worlds that were affected by the occupation.”

“It stands to reason it would come to us, as we’re designated for humanitarian ops. Are we setting out to Deneb or coordinating from here?”

Tapping the holographic image, she brought up the Sevury system with information about the planet in question. “We will be heading to Sevury as they were hit hard when the Dominion captured the world,” said Jori as she sent the information about Sevury to his padd.

“Ah, Sevury would be a good place to start. I haven’t finished reading all of the fleet reports, but they were hit pretty hard by the Dominion.”

She listened to him speak before she nodded in agreement. “Though we are unsure of the complete damage that was done. I am pretty sure that a good portion of their tritanium was taken, among other things,” Jori said as she worked her jaw for a moment, as she didn’t like not having information readily available. Things would have to be answered upon their arrival in the system.

Simon nodded. “I wouldn’t be surprised if that were the case. Even if the Dominion weren’t building with it, it would go a long way toward gaining allies,” He let out a slow sigh, that would be a problem for another day. “When do we depart?”

“As soon as all the supplies are loaded in our cargo bay that is intended for Sevury.”

“Understood. I’ll have the team double-time on the resupply and make sure the systems checks are completed immediately.” He rose from his chair. “I can also reach out to some contacts to see if I can get more clear information about Sevury. I’ll let you know when we’re ready to be underway.”

“Thank you,” said Jori as she watched him rise from his chair before heading out of the office. Returning to the holographic map after zooming it back out to the whole sector, she began to study it again. Jori was planning on sending both the Saratoga and Triumph to the Nasera system to pick up where they had left off after the liberation of Nasera II. She would also be contacting others with their orders. The Verity would be leaving Farpoint Station within the next couple of hours and she still had work that needed to be done before they departed.