Part of Starbase Bravo: 2401: Mission 2

Another Welcome, Another Exam

General Medicine Department - Starbase Bravo
May 2401
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“…so you can see, this is an unusual situation.”  The captain sat before her, a quiet smile on his face.  

Cassidy Montgomery understood, “I usually don’t carry a caseload, Captain Halsey…but in this, situation I think I can make an exception.”  His face filled with relief, and she stood from her desk, “I’m still curious about how you chose me to handle your treatment, Captain.”

Leopold “Doc” Halsey shook her offered hand, “I researched the folks in the area.  Your name kept coming up as a solid doctor and a no-nonsense officer.  Two things I appreciate in the people I work with if I’m honest.  I’ll see you tomorrow, Doctor Montomgery.”  He gave a wave and departed her office.

Cass chuckled, “Apparently, I am well liked by some.”  A chime at her door and Ensign Parker entered, “You have a new arrival…and his file was routed to you for additional…investigation?”  She held up the PADD, “I’m not sure what this means, Deputy Director.”

A glance and she frowned, “That is…different.  Show him in, Ensign.”

Parker returned to the hallway, “She’ll see you now, Ensign Mandrake.”

Jacob stood nervously as he began to step forward towards the deputy director’s office. The smell of polished wood, and the chatter of other officers, and medical personnel going about their daily business was what he focused on to keep him from vomiting. “It’s just, a interview… you’ve done a million of these before,” he quietly mumbled to himself. He straightened his newly pressed uniform, and looked once more to make sure he had the correct PADD in his hands, then entered the office.

His heart pounded in his chest; he took a few deep breaths as he looked around while approaching her desk. The room was a true testament to achievement, with trophies, awards, and holo-images from across the quadrant. At the desk sat Deputy Director of General Medicine Cassidy Montgomery, a distinguished officer with blonde hair and a no-nonsense demeanor.

“Ensign Jacob Mandrake ree..” he paused as he coughed and cleared his throat. Oh god, what was this? He was already embarrassing himself. “My apologies ma’am. Ensign Jacob Mandrake reporting for duty ma’am,” he finally got out, trying to keep his voice steady.

Montgomery raised both her eyebrows.  She was amused but kept her lips in a natural thin line.  “Ensign Jacob Mandrake, take a breath.  Or two.  Maybe three.”  She waited patiently.

Jacob paused for a moment and collected his racing thoughts. Minor slip up, but if he knew anything, it was that first impressions were everything, and he was determined to make a good first impression.

She gestured to the comfortable office chair across from her desk, “Take a seat.  Replicator’s over there if you need a drink.”  Cassidy picked her mug of coffee off the desk and waited for him to take a seat.

“Thank you, ma’am,” he said while taking his seat, and waiting for his interview to start. He still had a million thoughts racing through his head, but he was maintaining his composure much better now. He handed her a pad that he had been holding. “These are my orders, ma’am.”

She accepted the PADD from him, “Welcome to Starbase Bravo.  The first rule – ‘ma’am’ is for emergencies, dressing downs, and when you need to signal to me that something has gone wrong.  I’m Doctor Montgomery, Doc Montgomery, or Deputy Director.  And you…are an interesting case, apparently.”  She glanced through his record, “Late 30’s and an ensign in Starfleet.  Plenty of medical practice in your dossier.”  Handing the PADD back to him, she slipped a medical tricorder off her desk, “As for New York, you have my sympathies.  Never much liked the place.”  She began to run her scans.

“I’m from Arizona originally ma… deputy director. NY wasn’t that bad, I had more than a few good professors. Plus a lot of experience in emergency medicine.”

Cass continued her scan with the tricorder, “Emergency medicine was my favorite.  The energy…the intensity.  Helps you prepare for the life in Starfleet and the unpredictable nature of ship or station.”  She tapped the scan report over to her PADD, which she picked up.  “What brings you to Bravo, Ensign?   You could have chosen anywhere to serve.” She pulled the larger scanning units from the ceiling and activated them around the new arrival.

At last, an interview question, a test of his abilities. This is what he lived for; his confidence was swiftly returning. A thirst for knowledge had always driven Jacob. With years of experience in the high-pressure world of emergency medicine, he was known for his calm demeanor and quick thinking in critical situations. Not being a real people person, he lacked what some would call the ‘art of bedside manner.’ Yet, hidden behind his penchant for crisis management was a deep-seated passion for research, particularly in pathology. So, when the opportunity arose, he knew exactly where he wanted to be. 

Jacob leaned forward, his eyes filled with enthusiasm. “Doctor Montgomery, I’ve always been passionate about the art and science of medicine. My years in emergency medicine taught me to think on my feet to save lives when every second counts. But deep down, what truly excites me is understanding the root cause of medical conditions, delving into the mysteries of pathology.” He paused and collected his thoughts, “Star Base Bravo, with its cutting-edge facilities and renowned research programs, offers the ideal environment for me to pursue my research aspirations.”

Cass smiled at the officer’s genuine passion for his subject.  It reminded her of her early days.  She returned the scanning units to the ceiling and picked her PADD back up, “Even in 2401, we’re still discovering the unknown.  The universe is a big place.”  She brought up the results from both scans and ran the analysis, “Bravo has an extensive science department and plenty of research going on.”  She handed the PADD over to him, “Your results are pretty standard for a human your age.  Blood pressure is solid, and your resting heart rate is exceptional.  You could use mineral and vitamin supplements to bridge the gap on some lower scans. I’ve included some recommendations and sent them to you to review.  Select what you’d like, and we’ll have them replicated.”  She leaned against her desk, “That’s the medical out of the way.  Any worries about this assignment, Ensign?”

He thought over the question, and then with a curious look on his face he adjusted his position, “Now that you mention I do have one.” He cleared his throat, “I understand my background in emergency medicine being what it is. I looked over my assignment, and I have been assigned to the emergency section and not to the pathology laboratory. It seems that with the large staff, you have here that would be covered. I was hoping to start practicing more advanced medicine here.” His eyes locked with hers as he awaited a reply.

Montgomery knew when she was being asked a question without really being asked a question.  She pushed off her desk, “I’ll grant a compromise – we do need hands in Emergency, and your qualified hands are needed…but I can offer to split your shifts evenly between emergency and pathology.  You get to put your hands on research while we get to use your hands to save some lives.”  She accepted the PADD back, “Does that work for you, Ensign?”

He smiled and sat back in relief, “Yes, doc, that works for me.”

She returned behind her desk, “I’ll file your revised orders and shift duties, Ensign Mandrake.  You’re free to go.”  As the door closed behind him, Parker entered with a PADD. “Please tell me I don’t have another meeting.”  

Her assistant smiled, “You do.  It’s the weekly orderly meeting.”  A sign from her boss as she stood snatched the PADD from her hand and headed out the door and onto her next meeting.