Part of Starbase Bravo: The Wreck of Us and Bravo Fleet: We Are the Borg

A talk session

USS Exeter - Counsel Office
June 2401
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The crew is settled in for their mission to the Paulson Nebula, a lot of cadets are getting some field experience. But not everyone was out of the woods yet, seeing that the Frontier Day was still fresh in their minds. Starfleet dictates that counseling sessions must be followed, and thus, the next customer was ready to get into the office. Arwa looked outside the office. “Lieutenant Thompson?”

Sonja had not expected the summons to the counselor, but given the events that had happened she knew it was coming, though for the most part it seems like another day to her. She did her duty as she always has, but she complied with orders. She stood up after hearing her name and made her way to the doorway smiling at the counselor. 

Giving a nod to the Lieutenant as she passed her by, Arwa followed and walked to the replicator. “Can I get you something to drink? It is a good start when you have something to drink,” Arwa ordered a black coffee as it replicated in front of her. 

Sonja nodded “English breakfast tea please.” She said as she sat down trying to settle in. Anytime she came to see the counselor she felt uneasy and she never knew why. She couldn’t recall anything from her past that would make these feelings occur, but nonetheless she was trying to act like it was not bothering her.

Gave away a soft smile and nodded, “One English breakfast tea.” The replicator made the request as the cup appeared. Arwa returned to her desk and placed the steaming hot tea before Sonja. “So, how are you doing? A lot has happened recently, so it’s more than a regular counseling session. The Frontier Day had some severe after effects.” 

Sonja thought carefully for a moment, as she wasn’t sure how she wanted to proceed with the questioning. The events that occurred were rough, but they never really affected her like others in her office. She was not someone who had learned the need for thick skin because she had always had it due to her fathers lessons when she was younger. She took a sip of the tea before speaking. “Truthfully, I am doing ok the main stress has been trying to help members on my team to cope with the events of Frontier Day. Some of them really had some bad events occur and trying to help them has been challenging. A few of them could not perform their duties, so I had to let them go on medical leave per doctors. It has made my area double the work, but with less workers. That’s the hardest part for me.”

A hum came from Arwa leaning back in her chair. “So the events of fighting against your own, your colleagues, friends, or maybe loved ones didn’t affect you? But you are saying that dealing with people around you who have been affected by the event was a stress point for you to process it?” Arwa let a silent feel for a moment and smiled eventually. “I am not saying that you are emotionless or something close to that; I am merely pointing out the fact that you were influenced by it, be it light or heavy. Seeing you do not realize it….are you working more hours these days?”

“It’s not that I wasn’t affected per se, but I have been taught to just move on from traumatic events and not allow them to affect me. It’s not a hard thing to do for me. Yes, it was not a situation I want to replay, but I am not heartless it’s just the way my father raised me.” She said trying to explain why she had said it the way she did.

Nodding to that explanation, “Everyone copes with traumatic experience differently, which is understandable. Let me be clear I am not stating you are heartless, I am stating that it does impact you, and you confirmed that. Your father has taught you well,” Arwa complimented her. “So tell me, how do you show empathy to those who have more difficulty moving on in comparison to you?”

Sonja looked at Arwa with a slight look of contemplation “The biggest thing I do is try to listen when people need it. I have always been told I am a good listener. It’s one thing I don’t usually mind doing, but I also try to clear people time if they need it off for any reason.” Sonja took another sip of the tea before continuing “My position requires me to compartmentalize and from that has also came an increase in what my father taught me. I try not to take work with me when I am not on shift.”

“What do you do when you get in your private time to …settle the dust after such a heavily loaded emotional day?” Arwa asked curious while taking some notes. 

Sonja shrugged “I go find friends to spend time with, do holodeck adventures, or just unwind without thinking of work.”

Nodding to that “Sounds like a good start, ever did meditation, watch a movie? Hang out at the bar, Starbase Bravo has quite some offers?” Arwa smiled at her “It is good to unwind, just keep that mind?”

Sonja nodded “I will keep that in mind! It’s been a long time since I watched a movie, maybe I need to start watching them again. Truthfully I am looking for a companion. I have felt lonely at times…if you want the truth.”

Thinking for a moment, Arwa leans forward “What about this, seeing socializing is a challenge for you, which is totally okay. I am willing to help you out on this. There is a cute bar that I want to visit since I arrived here….Red….no ” Arwa looks confused for a second “Oh its the Golden Apple. Want to meet up when our schedule gets open?”

“Sure we can do that.” she stated seemingly finishing the conversation 

Smiling at that response “Lovely, I look forward to it” Arwa nodded to her as Sonja gets ready to leave “I will see you soon, I hope” With that Sonja left the office.