Part of USS Brawley: Maiden Voyage and Bravo Fleet: We Are the Borg


Starbase 86 | USS Brawley
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Captain Logan Walker stepped out of the turbolift and was met by his new First Officer; Commander Samantha Haynes. He smiled warmly and nodded to her. They had served together before on a prior ship and had even attended the Academy together, though Logan was already a Junior Cadet by the time she enlisted.

They had become fast friends since then and spoke often over their careers, even when he had transferred to a new ship. Given they were both Security/Tactical specialist, they often shared advice and their views on matters regarding their chosen divisions. Of course, that was before they both tracked for Command. Now, here they were in their thirties and serving as the leaders of their own starship. It brought a smile to both of them.

“Number One, a pleasure to see you again after so long. When I heard you were up for promotion I knew you’d be the perfect choice as my new XO. Especially when Captain Takato mentioned I had my pick of senior staff.”

Commander Haynes, returning her new Captains smile, laughed at his words before responding. She herself was more than happy to be given this opportunity as a fresh O-5 Commander.

“I appreciate your faith in me. It’s been some years since we served on the same vessel together but I aim to make it memorable, Captain.” said CDR Haynes.

“Oh, I am sure we can manage that. Now how about we go meet the rest of the bridge crew?” said CPT Walker.

Together they tidied up their uniforms before moving towards the Bridge doors. As they slid open with that iconic swoosh sound, Captain Walker and Commander Haynes approached the center of the bridge and both gazed around at their new command.

A young Petty Officer stationed near Tactical quickly noticed them both and announced loudly to the rest of the bridge. “Captain on deck!”

Every Officer not already standing quickly rose from their seats and turned to face their new CO, and XO, respectively. It was a sight that had never happened to Logan before and it would take some getting used to. He was not only fresh as a Commanding Officer but also as a O-6 Captain. This new position and rank would take some getting used to.

“Bridge, at ease.” said the Captain. He looked around the room and met the eyes of every bridge officer in attendance, even the young enlisted serving at stations behind their department heads. He’d read over his crew roster and memorized the names and faces of everyone to serve on his bridge. He’d hope to soon remember more than just them. They were all his responsibility now. All 300 of them.

“It’s a pleasure to meet you all. As you well know by now according to your new orders, I am Captain Logan Walker and this is my XO Commander Samantha Haynes. If the rest of you could give a quick introduction then we can go about getting underway.” said CPT Walker.

A almond skinned young woman, Human, standing near the Science Station spoke up first. “I am Lieutenant Brittany Curry, Chief Science Officer. The pleasure is all yours, sir.” She certainly wasn’t lacking for confidence as a smirk appeared on her lips.

Another young Human woman, standing near Operations, rolled her bright blue eyes at Curry’s comment. “Lieutenant Commander Anna West, sir, though you and the Commander already know that seeing as we’ve served on the USS Lex together.” By the book and to the point. That was Anna.

A young Trill woman standing next to Lieutenant Curry spoke up next, slowly raising her hand as if she was shy or unsure. “Lieutenant Yiri Pris, sir. Your new CMO. I served with you on the USS Erin, Brittany and I both, though I am sure you were too important to notice us.” Her eyes suddenly widened as if she noticed what she said. “N-not that I meant to say you’re that typ-I just mean-” Lieutenant Curry placed a hand on her friends shoulder and laughed quietly. Lieutenant Pris exhaled slowly. “I’ll head down to the Med Bay if anyone needs me.”

A few small chuckles around the bridge and amused smiles from Captain Walker and Commander Haynes later, another announced themselves.

From the Tactical/Security Station behind the Captains Chair, a tall Andorian with white hair and beard cleared his throat. “Captain, Lieutenant Commander Kar Shyr, as you know old friend. Selected as your Chief of Security and Tactical. I appreciate your giving me this chance at senior staff.” Captain Walker smiled warmly at yet another old face, he was lucky to have been given the approval to get most of his first picks to build his senior staff.

Another tall, physically brawny and balding white male stepped forward from the back. A stoic expression was permantly etched onto his face as he spoke with a Earth bound British accent. “Ello everyone. Lieutenant Junior Grade Adam Kingston. Chief Engineer and allo that. Ima fuck off to my station now, thanks.” A quick nod to his CO and XO before he turned and was headed to Engineering. Quick and to the point, Logan liked him already.

For the next introduction, Logan and Samantha had to turn around and face the station next to the helm. A darker skinned Human woman with her hair in a high bun waved happily. “Hello Captain Walker, Commander Haynes. I am Ensign Nicole Jasika, your Communications Officer. I just want to express my gratitude at being selected right out of the Academy. I am excited to go exploring and expanding my knowledge of languages. Thank you sir!” She was certainly eager, just as any fresh Ensign would be. Logan gave her a warm smile and a small nod.

Last and not least, a Bajoran male around the ages of he and the Commander nodded their way before approaching the center of the bridge. “Captain, Commander. Chief Petty Officer Rah Dukarn your Chief of the Boat. It’ll be my job to advise you on the enlisted personnel and maintain their discipline and training, as well we aiding the XO with the duty roster. Glad to have you aboard, sir. I’ve served on the Brawley my whole career and it’s nice to get some fresh faces up here. I’ll head down to my station now.” The non-com was respectful and seasoned, just as any Chief should be. Logan looked forward to plying his experience and knowledge of the ship to aide him going forward.

And with that, all introductions for senior staff and other important positions were made. Only one thing was left to do.

Captain Walker approached the center chair and looked it over for a long moment. Having come from being a First Officer aboard the USS Erin, he was no stranger to occupying a Captains Chair. But this was the first time it was his chair. For good. A smile broached his face yet again before he took his seat. Huh, this thing was quite comfortable and felt fitting. Commander Haynes took her First Officers chair to the right of him and seemed to bristle with pride herself.

“Ensign Jasika, patch me into ship wide coms if you please.” The young Ensign smiled and turned to take her station. “Aye aye, sir.” She tapped a few buttons on her console before speaking again. “Ship wide coms open, sir.”

Following a loud whistling sound throughout the ship, everywhere but the bridge, the crew were signaled a ship wide announcement was to follow and that they were to pay attention.

“This is your Captain speaking. Just wanted to say that I am proud to be taking command of the USS Brawley as her and your new Commanding Officer. While I may not be as experienced as your former CO, I do plan to use this new assignment as a opportunity to learn from and alongside all of you. Together.” Captain Walker gazed around the bridge as he spoke, locking eyes with each of his officers for a moment before his gaze to the next. “We will be leaving port now, ensure all final checks are completed and report to your department heads for underway orders. And remember this ships motto; ‘Believe you can and you’re halfway there.’ Captain Walker out.”

A nod from the Captain to Ensign Jasika and the ship wide was cut. Captain Walker turned to his Operations Officer.

“Lieutenant Commander West, are all departments checked in as green and good to go?” said CPT Walker.

“Aye aye, sir. All departments showing as green, we’re clear to go.” said LCDR West.

“Good. Ensign Jasika, clear our departure with Starbase 86.” said CPT Walker.

“Aye aye, sir. Clearing our departure with the Starbase.” A few taps at her console later. “Starbase Flight Control cleared our departure, docking clamps releasing.” said ENS Jasika.

“Helm, utilize thrusters do get us clear of the station.” said CPT Walker.

“Aye aye, sir. Clearing from the station, heading 050 max thrusters.” said the helmsman Crewman.

The USS Brawley slid sideways away from the now released docking clamps before orienting to face away from Starbase 86 and slowly moving away from the station. Once they were about fifty meters away the Captain spoke.

“Helm, thrusters to half until we’re 250 meters from the station then I want a full stop.” said CPT Walker.

“Aye aye, sir. Thrusters to half for 250 meters then full stop.” said the Crewman, carrying out the Captains orders to the letter as the ship moved forward briskly.

As the Brawley approached it’s coordinates, the helmsman brought the California-class Frigate to a stop.

“Reading full stop, Captain.” said the helmsman.

“Good, plot course for the Daran system, warp factor 5. The Shesshran will be expecting our engineering materials.” said CPT Walker.

“Aye aye, sir. Plotting course for the Daran system at warp 5.” said LT Curry as she tapped away on her console and sent the navigational course to the Crewman at the helm. “Course plotted, Captain.”

“Course received, sir. Ready for transit.” said the helmsman. And in true Starfleet tradition, all eyes on the bridge turned to face their new Captain, most with eager waiting smiles. They were ready for whatever phrase would be his as they would be hearing it quite a bit in the future.

Captain Walker gazed out the main viewscreen at the many stars awaiting their arrival. All the future missions and adventures that they would partake in together had him brimming with excitement.

A huge, toothy grin spread across the Captains face before he finally spoke, throwing two fingers forward.

“Shoot it.”


  • A new captain gets underway, and with him, a crew of old friends and new faces alike. I particularly liked Lieutenant Pris‘ little fumble, and I suspect having a no-bs guy like Lieutenant J.G. Kingston in engineering is going to make for some funny dialogue when the captain has to call downstairs to ask for a miracle. As far as the flow of the post, I found the sequence a very realistic telling of how the boat would get underway, although I did find myself wondering what sort of inner monologues were running through each crewmember’s head as they pulled away from the station for their next adventure. Look forward to learning more about the crew as the story gets going!

    November 27, 2023