Part of USS Columbia: When It Rains, It Pours

When It Rains, It Pours – The Start

Galen Border, Alpha Quadrant
July, 2401
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The turbulent, swirling mass of subatomic particles that formed the neutronic storm rolled through the vast expanse of space, washing over everything in its path. Any onlookers, safely out of the storm’s path, would likely describe it as beautiful and menacing as its purple hues danced around each other, intermixed with violent energy discharges that flashed along its leading edge.

Talarian Observation Craft Q’Nair (NCC-76991)

Standing on the bridge of the lead Talarian ship, Xindar looked at the viewscreen and what he could only think of as the maws of death closing on them. The neutronic storm had grown in strength over the last couple of hours after he had brought a small group of training vessels to the edge of their territory. He had intended to use it to test the young ones’ abilities to manage the ships, but that had ended when the storm impacted with a large comet, its contents unknown, had supercharged the storm and forced him to give the order to flee.

His eyes widened as he noticed the last ship in their formation began to slip closer to the storm. “What are they doing!?” he demanded as he opened a comms channel to the ship. “What is your status? You need to return to formation”. The system crackled to lift as the voice of the ship’s commander responded, 

“Sir, our engines have started to lose power. We are trying to compensate, but I am not sure we will be able to before the storm reaches us.”

Xindar grimaced as he looked at the storm, “We will send another ship to reach you and evacuate your….” but before he could utter another word, a bright flash of white lit up the screen as an energy discharge lept from the storm’s leading edge and struck the ship leaving nothing except a couple of pieces of debris.

He muttered a string of violent curses before turning to the helm, “We cannot continue to outrun this. Is there anything we can reach?”

The teenager looked at the sensors and then back at the commander, “Sir, there is a station nearby,” The helm officer paused as he rechecked his sensors. “Sorry, sir, but it’s the Federation Outpost Galen Alpha Four.”

Muttering to himself at the sheer bad luck they found themselves in, Xindar asked the youngster the status of their formal rival’s border outpost. If they could reach it in time, then they could survive this. With a confirmation from the inexperienced pilot that the station’s shields should be able to harbour them, Xindar ordered his training squadron to make way to it.

Outpost Galen Four would be their shelter. 

USS Columbia (NCC-76991)

Sat on the bridge, Commander Nelson was in deep thought as she read through the latest engineering journals from the Daystrom Institute. Engaged with the latest theories in transwarp technology, Nelson had dropped her focus on what was happening around her when there was an unusual beep from the operations console. It caught her off guard, and Nelson immediately looked up from the PADD in her hands. 

“Everything okay, Kudege?” She asked the operations manager.

Lieutenant Commander Alkos Kudege checked his console and then looked over his right shoulder. “Commander, we have a priority message from Starfleet Command coming through. It is addressed to the captain and yourself.” The Bajoran’s intrigued expression was plastered across his face.

Nelson nodded in response. “Send it to my console and the captain’s ready room.” She looked down, and after reading the message, she shook her dead in disbelief before standing up and making her way to the ready room. 

As Nelson made her way across the bridge, she gave out orders in a stern voice. “We have new orders, Lieutenant Starok; set a course for Outpost Galen Alpha Four. Lieutenant Niro, you have the bridge.”

Popping her head into the ready room, Nelson found Captain Corbin lying across on the corner sofa reading a PADD. The fact he was in a relaxed position showed how the entire crew were currently enjoying some downtime after completing their last orders ahead of schedule. 

“What is it, Liz?” Corbin asked.

The moment the door closed behind her, Nelson spoke up. “Rome, have you seen our latest orders?”

Corbin shook his head and pulled his desktop console closer to him. He looked at the message and then looked back at her. “I take it you’ve ordered us to get underway?”

She nodded. “We’re ready to go. Just give the word.”

“Make it happen,” Corbin replied and then he got up, doing his jacket up. “Assemble the troops, Liz.”

Twelve hours later, the Columbia dropped out of warp within visual range of the now somewhat battered outpost. Corbin sat in his chair between Nelson and Counsellor Merrindis as everyone on the bridge studied the status of the station before them.

“It looks to be intact, though that isn’t a surprise,” Lieutenant Commander Ortega said from the engineering station. “Their outer hull has received heavy damage, and I am detecting fluctuations across their power grid.” 

From the security and tactical station, Lieutenant Niro Seth-Rowal was looking down at his readings. “Sensors are detecting three, no four, Talarian observation crafts docked with the station. They appear to be damaged.”

“Number One,” Corbin began, “The distress call didn’t mention anything about the Talarians, did it?”

Nelson shook her head, “No, though it was partially degraded due to the storm. They may have included that information in the message, but it was lost in the storm. The trailing edge is likely going to cause some minor issues for the next couple of days.”

“Likely, but let’s check in with the station first. We have been at peace with the Talarian Republic for years; I’d hate for this to change anything,” Corbin said as he stood up and tugged on the end of his jacket. “Velesa, is there anything left off that storm we should be worried about?”

The Denobulan science officer shook her head. “No, it’s passed but is making its way through Talarian space.”

“Captain, there’s going to be a lot of injured people over there; we should get rescue teams over there,” Doctor Carrillion stated from where she stood beside Nero. 

“Agreed,” Corbin said as he turned to his first officer. “Number One, assemble away teams to secure the station, help the injured and determine what is happening with the outpost’s visitors.”

Nelson nodded. “Aye, sir. We’ll get multiple teams over there.”

In Play:

  • This is our third mission for Columbia and is a straightforward search, rescue, and help storyline! It is also a nod to the famed TNG episode, Suddenly Human. We are going to deal with some unruly Talarian teenagers while trying to help those on Outpost Galen Four Alpha. 
  • Outpost Galen Four Alpha is a Copernicus-class station. The outpost is located on the Federation-Talarian border in the same sector as the Galen colony (where the Galen border conflict took place).
  • You can find more information on the Talarian on Memory Alpha. This article will help you understand Talarian traditions, customs, etc., when writing for them. 
  • Each department will deal with one aspect of helping the outpost and dealing with the Talarian teenagers. Below are the department orders:
    • Command: the Talarian teenagers are causing havoc on the station; it will be the responsibility of the command to calm the situation down by mentoring them while the Talarians send a ship to pick them up. 
    • Operations: help repair the station and the Talarian ships. Work with the Talarians to show them how to fix their ship. 
    • Science: Treat those injured from the neutronic storm (mainly radiation sickness) – deal with the Talarians wishing to undertake the B’Nar ritual. Track where the storm came from and where it is heading, ready to update Starfleet Cartography. 
  • Perhaps consider how a group of ensigns from different departments can work together to complete the tasks successfully. You could create a couple of Talarian teenagers you take under your wing (and hopefully do a better job than Picard did).