Part of USS Vallejo: Among New Stars

New Horizons: Part 2

USS Vallejo, Starfleet Academy - Mellstoxx III, and Starbase Bravo
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The USS Vallejo sailed through space with a grace that belied its age and storied history. Its sleek lines and durable construction spoke of a ship that had weathered the ebb and flow of time. The soft hum of the warp engines provided a steady backdrop to the activities aboard.

This was her shakedown cruise, and soon the Vallejo would arrive in the Mellstoxx System to retrieve her remaining crew members from Starbase Bravo. The trip would take about sixteen days at their cruising speed of warp five, but Captain Day intended to see just how much spirit this old California-Class cruiser had left in her.

Captain Day’s voice sounded over the comm in the engineering section. “Engineering, prepare for a top-speed test. Lieutenant Valis, I want to see what this old girl can do.”

In the heart of the secondary hull, between the Vallejo’s twin warp nacelles, Chief Engineer Valis and Lieutenant Vex worked monitoring the ship’s powerful warp engines. These engines were built with the intention of being used to tow large ships, cargo, and other objects when needed. They were not however built for speed. The thrum of the plasma conduits and phase inducers filled the expansive chamber as they meticulously checked and rechecked the systems.

Valis, a Vulcan with a determined expression, her golden hair arranged in a short style characteristic of her species, exchanged glances with Vex, a young Orion assistant engineer with a mischievous glint in her emerald eyes. “Aye, Captain. Preparing for a top-speed test,” Valis responded, her focused gaze fixed on the warp engine diagnostics.

On the bridge, Captain Day directed her attention to Ensign Renn Tanara at the helm. “Ensign Renn, increase speed to warp 6. Let’s take it one step at a time.”

As the Vallejo surged forward through space, Valis and Vex monitored the warp engines. In the engine room, all systems reported normal as the ship smoothly transitioned to Warp 7. Valis exchanged a brief nod with Vex, their confidence in the ship’s capabilities growing.

“Warp 7.5,” Renn reported from the helm, her steady hands guiding the along its course.Valis scrutinized the diagnostics, ensuring the warp field maintained its stability. “All systems holding steady at warp 7.5, Captain.”

Captain Day, satisfied by the ship’s performance, ordered, “Ensign Renn, increase speed to warp 8. Valis, report on our sustainable speed.”

“Captain, we can maintain warp 8 for no more than 30 minutes without risking damage to the magnetic interlocks,” Valis reported, her stoic Vulcan voice laced with a hint of caution.

“Let’s push her just a touch further, warp 8.1,” Captain Day commanded, her adventurous spirit evident.

Valis looked towards Vex with a stereotypical arched eyebrow, her young Orion assistant engineer simply smiling in return as she adjusted power to bolster the inertial dampeners. As the Vallejo surged to warp 8.1, the engineering team continued to monitor system readings with bated breath.

“Lieutenant Valis, how much more can you give me?” Captain Day asked.

“All available power to engines Captain, I suggest we keep this brief,” Valis responded.

Renn adjusted her speed at her station on the bridge, “Warp 8.2 Captain… 8.3… 8.33… 8.37… Holding at warp 8.37 Sir.” Renn reported with a small triumphant smile on her face.

Captain Day ordered, “Hold it at warp 8.37.”

In the engineering section, Valis watched her systems display as indicators slowly edged towards the caution zone “Maintaining at warp 8.37, Captain.” However, after a brief moment, Valis reported, “Captain, this is as much as I am comfortable with. Beyond this, we risk damage to several systems or even destabilizing the warp field.”

Captain Day, ever mindful of the safety of her ship and crew, made a decisive call. “Understood. Ensign Renn, drop to warp 6.5 for one hour. Then resume at warp 5. Let’s not push our luck too far. We don’t have a long journey ahead to the Mellstoxx System.”

Captain Day walked towards her ready room and activated her com badge once more to her chief engineer, “Lieutenant Valis, I would like to be able to make warp 8.5 if we are ever in an emergency. With our limited armament, we would be better served running from a fight if we ever get in over our heads. Now that we shook the cobwebs off, make it your task to hit that mark. Use whatever resources and personnel you may need.”

Valis nodded with a sense of determination. “Understood, Captain. I’ll see what modifications we can make to push the Vallejo to warp 8.5 if the need arises.”

With that, Captain Day entered her ready room, a small sanctuary within the heart of the ship. She ordered a sweet Deka tea from the replicator and settled into her chair behind the desk. The rich aroma of the warm beverage filled the room as Day reviewed the upcoming crew transfer at Starbase Bravo.

The console on her dark wooden desk displayed the profiles of the officers who would soon join the Vallejo. As she sipped her tea, the hum of the warp engines outside provided a constant comforting audile backdrop. The ship sailed through space with renewed vigor, as if responding to the challenge presented during the top-speed test. Captain Day’s mind had already shifted gears, now examining the assortment of officers and crewmen who would soon become an integral part of the Vallejo’s crew.

Cadet Jeremy L. Ryan stepped onto the shuttle bound for Starbase Bravo, a palpable blend of anticipation and nervous energy surging within him. Despite being the sole cadet from the Academy on Mellstoxx III assigned to the USS Vallejo, the transport shuttle was packed with a diverse assembly of cadets and officers all making their way to the bustling hub of Starbase Bravo. Securing his single bag of belongings, he strapped into the harness of his seat, opting to remain silent amidst the hum of conversations and the overall buzz of activity within the shuttle cabin.

The journey unfolded in a mix of nervous excitement, with the transport shuttle breaking through the atmosphere and swiftly approaching the colossal Guardian-class Starbase in orbit. Jeremy couldn’t help but be awestruck by the sheer magnitude of the station, a marvel of Federation engineering, and the thought of how much his father would love to see it in person. The view from the shuttle’s window showcased the station’s bustling activity, featuring numerous docking bays, shuttle traffic, and the constant ebb and flow of starships.

Starbase Bravo, Jeremy realized, was not merely a space station; it stood as a strategic hub, proudly serving as the headquarters of the Fourth Fleet. The significance of this station humbled him as the shuttle made its way towards Sector Charlie-Gold.

As the shuttle entered the forcefield of the primary docking bay, Jeremy caught sight of the Vallejo crew assembling. The anticipation within him grew as the shuttle smoothly descended toward the docking bay floor.

As the shuttle doors opened, he felt a mix of excitement and nervous energy, knowing that he was about to meet the officers and crew he would be serving with. The docking bay, bathed in the warm glow of overhead lights, welcomed Jeremy as he stepped onto the deck. The air carried a blend of sounds — the hiss of shuttle doors closing, the distant hum of starship engines, and the shuffling of crew members preparing for departure. The atmosphere felt charged with a sense of purpose.

Commander Arjun Mehta, the ship’s executive officer, stood nearby, overseeing the assembly of the crew. Spotting Jeremy, he approached with a welcoming smile, extending a firm handshake. Mehta, a human Sikh hailing from London, stood with an air of confident authority. His red turban, matching the shade of his uniform, added a vibrant touch to his commanding presence.

Bright hazel eyes gleamed with a mixture of warmth and determination, and a well-groomed black beard framed his face, giving him an air of sophistication. As Jeremy shook his hand, he could feel the strength in Mehta’s grip, a testament to the commander’s physical prowess.

“Cadet Ryan, welcome. We’re assembling the crew here. Once everyone’s here, we’ll head back to the Vallejo,” Commander Mehta said, his London accent lending an authoritative cadence to his words.

“Thank you, sir. It’s an honor to be part of the Vallejo’s crew,” Jeremy replied respectfully.

Mehta gestured towards a group of officers nearby. “I’d like you to meet Lieutenant Ilias Amir, our security officer. He’s overseeing the crew organization. Cadet Ryan, follow me.”

Mehta led Jeremy toward Lieutenant Amir, who stood alongside a diverse group of officers. As they approached, Jeremy noticed Jiana Tilis, the Trill ambassador, engaged in a conversation with Counselor Marin, a handsome white hair and bearded man with a pale blue circle in the center of his forehead. Jeremy had never met a Halkan before, and while he didn’t see the sense in ships having counselors, he was excited to eventually talk to Counselor Marin.

R’Vaar, the feline Caitian aide to Ambassador Tilis, stood nearby, his presence exuding a sense of feline grace and strength. As Jeremy approached, R’Vaar’s amber eyes focused on him with an attentive gaze. A subtle flick of his tufted ears indicated a keen awareness of his surroundings.

“Cadet Ryan,” Commander Mehta gestured towards R’Vaar, “Meet R’Vaar, Ambassador Tilis’s liaison.

Jeremy extended his hand in a friendly gesture. “Nice to meet you. I’m Cadet Jeremy Ryan, just assigned to the Vallejo as a tactical trainee.”

R’Vaar inclined his head in acknowledgment, Leaving Ryan with his hand outstretched. He looked at Ryan with his sleek fur shimmering in shades of gold and black and simply turned back to watch Ambassador TIlis without further comment.

Lieutenant Amir, a stern and imposing figure, maintained order as crew members gathered. Commander Mehta introduced Jeremy. “Cadet Ryan, meet Lieutenant Ilias Amir, our security officer. You’ll be working closely with him on the Vallejo.”

Amir nodded in acknowledgment. “Cadet Ryan, welcome. Security is crucial on a ship like the Vallejo. I trust you’ll follow protocols and contribute to maintaining order.”

Jeremy met Lieutenant Ilias Amir’s gaze, recognizing the stern demeanor of the security officer. “Thank you, Sir. I’m here to learn and contribute in any way I can. Security protocols won’t be a problem, I’m eager to be part of the team.”

Amir’s eyes, intense and focused, hinted at the importance he placed on maintaining order and security. “Good, we will talk more once aboard.”

As Jeremy stood there, taking in the introductions, his attention was drawn to a figure approaching from a recently arrived shuttle. The young Andorian female, with her distinct turquoise-blue skin and long white hair, carried herself with a sense of purpose. In her hands, a well-worn triage kit hinted at her medical role. As she joined the group, a calm demeanor radiated from her, creating a soothing contrast to the clamor of lively discussions around them.

Commander Mehta, after ensuring everyone was present and accounted for, announced, “Alright, folks, gather up. We’ll be beaming to the Vallejo in our groups. Engineering, security, medical, diplomatic, you know the drill.” As the crew began dematerializing in groups, Jeremy felt a growing anticipation, he was with the diplomatic group, and he guessed they needed to beam up in relatively even numbers. 

He watched each group shimmer out of view, his excitement building with each disappearance. Finally, it was his turn. As the hum of the transporter enveloped him, he couldn’t help but grip his bag a little tighter, a mix of excitement and nerves swirling in his gut. The familiar tingle of the transport beam signaled the start of his journey aboard the USS Vallejo