For once you have tasted flight you will walk the earth with your eyes turned skywards, for there you have been and there you will long to return. Leonardo da Vinci
With Commander Anacostia-Bolling taking the Captains seat the USS da Vinci is ready to boldly set forth. Guarding the Federation boarders and beyond.
21 January 2025
USS da Vinci
Both Ensigns Green and Dravid took a moment to study what they’d accomplished in less than twelve hours of work. No one would ever call it a work of art, far from it; this thing had been cobbled together from various parts the two officers had gathered from around the USS da Vinci. The [...]
18 January 2025
USS da Vinci
For nearly five hours they’d been working on clearing a way through the collapsed tunnel. With pickaxe, crowbar, phaser and shear brute strength; they’d all worked tirelessly to move the rubble out of the way. The miners had been reluctant to accept the help of the USS da Vinci’s crew at [...]
14 January 2025
USS da Vinci
Commander Anacostia-Bolling, had not long finished making her report on what had taken place at Tartarus II. How one of the orbiting defence satellites had opened fire on the mining facility below; totally destroying all the building and collapsing the entrance to the mine itself. She’d [...]
10 January 2025
USS da Vinci
If Lieutenant Grav hadn’t been annoyed enough at walking up the stairs to the top floor of the Control Tower, the Tellarite certainly was after racing back down them in half the time; carrying the inert body of the stunned Maintenance Engineer, over his shoulder. Stunned that was; because only [...]