USS Rubidoux (NCC-65534)

Having proven themselves in a stellar nursery after losing the California class Rubidoux to an ambush attack by black market arms dealers, the crew of the Rubidoux find themselves aboard a New Orleans class bearing the same name and registry to carry on the namesake.

USS Rubidoux

New Orleans-class • NCC-65534 • Task Force 17

Fourth Fleet
Task Force 17

Task Group 9
Rubidoux Plaque

The USS Rubidoux. She used to be a California class starship until she was hunted down and destroyed outside of a stellar nursery used by black market arms dealers.

Command has since reassigned the crew to a New Orleans class fresh out of refits. The newly renamed and branded USS Rubidoux now stands a more capable chance of handling the kinds of skirmishes that cost the former vessel. Captain Tiberius Rain finds himself in unfamiliar territory as he leads the crew in both their old mission of exploration, and now tracking down who runs the weapons that destroyed his last ship.


Link to the Rubidoux’s Stats –

Link to Tiberius Rain’s sheet –

Content on this command is rated at 212 on the RPG Ratings Scale, per the Bravo Fleet Content Policy. Swearing is permitted with some limitations, Violence is permitted with some limitations, and sexual innuendo may be present. It is intended for mature audiences.

RPG Rating 2 1 2

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