USS Atlantis: Fist Full of Silver

Tasked with tracking down the rogue Doctor T'Halla Shreln, Atlantis deploys Silver Team aboard a New Maquis facility to infiltrate and discover whatever they can.

Mission Description

You’ve got to know when to hold ’em
Know when to fold ’em
Know when to walk away
And know when to run
You never count your money
When you’re sittin’ at the table
There’ll be time enough for countin’
When the dealin’s done

                    – Kenny Rogers, ‘The Gambler’


Tasked with tracking down the rogue Doctor T’Halla Shreln, Atlantis deploys Silver Team aboard a New Maquis facility to infiltrate and discover whatever they can.

About the Mission

In Progress
Total Stories
Start Date

6 September 2024

Fist Full of Silver - 4

USS Atlantis: Fist Full of Silver

As the runabout Laurentia was tossed once more amidst the tempest that raged outside, violent heaving could be heard from the rear compartment. The craft had been subjected to gentle rocking and occasional shakes ever since entering the Badlands, but as they neared their target, the storm had [...]

27 August 2024

First Full of Silver - 3

USS Atlantis: Fist Full of Silver

Being outnumbered was not something that Tikva Theodoras liked at all. She never liked it as a kid growing up. Never liked it in sports, or exercises at the Academy. And she certainly didn’t like it at Leonis. Deneb, only a few short days later, was a turn of the tables and she did like [...]

24 August 2024

Fist Full of Silver - 2

USS Atlantis: Fist Full of Silver

“Well, if everyone is here in one piece, then I guess I have Mr Fightmaster to thank for that.” Gavin Mitchell’s volume was loud enough to cause both Amber and Rosa to wince in pain, despite a few hours of sleep, breakfast, and a visit to sickbay. The latter of which was mostly useless as Dr [...]

16 August 2024

Fist Full of Silver - 1

USS Atlantis: Fist Full of Silver

“And the last order of business we have is the handover of this New Maquis situation from Captain MacIntyre.” Vilo Kendris didn’t even look at the padd in her lap as she spoke, addressing the last of her fifteen points that she had walked in to Tikva’s ready room to discuss nearly an hour [...]